Supply of chocolate banana


New member

I have heard about chocolate banana supplements and I have read that they are good for losing weight, don’t know what actually is this and how it works but I really think that I have to try this. I have tried many different things in the past and I’m still looking for something that would be perfect for me. I would like to find out more about this and I would like to know some more reviews about this supplement, its effectiveness and generally everything. Thank you a lot.



New member

hello, I don’t know so many things about this but I really will try to help you. This is a pill I have heard about in the past and I know that it has to be taken 2 pills at 10 am and 2 pills at 3pm. Don’t ask me why I just found some info in internet, I think that it’s because it works better during this period of time. I have read that these pills can gave you a lot of energy. There are some side effects that actually are not described but they told only that it has nothing serious especially if comparing to other weight loss pills, some of the side effects could be the agitation, and I think that this is because you are full of energy. Besides this they describe that the effects are miraculous and that you start to feel the difference since the first day of administration. Anyway after I read everything I can say only a thing: to pay attention, first of all because it could be very dangerous if you are going to administrate more than you need to and the second thing that you have to know is that sometimes there could be some days when you feel like you don’t want to eat the entire day. Pay attention to this and try to eat even if you don’t have appetite. If you would like to ask me what I’ll choose to do, I can clearly say that I would like to lose the weight by myself and after this to use the pills in order to fix this weight, usually people that tried to do something like this said that they were really very happy about their results. maybe it is going to help you too. but try to do everything per instructions because nothing works if you’re not paying attention to the administration time, dosage etc. etc. really hope that this would help you!



New member

I started to use these pills some days ago, as well as Julieta I don’t know so many things about this but I have heard that this is a good stuff. I decided to use it because I want to lose the baby weight, I can’t say that I put very much on weight but after the pregnancy it became more difficult to lose weight so I’m looking for help. So, what I can say? No joke, it really helps since the first day of administration. I didn’t wanted to eat, and I couldn’t eat all day, but I decided to put the phone alarm to remember me that I have to eat something. This is a big mistake to avoid eating. Remember that you can’t stay on pills all your life and then, after some time you would go off them and you would have to start to eat again and of course you are going to gain all your lbs back + in additional to your old lbs you would put some new. Therefore if you’re not using the pills correctly you risk to gain weight even more than you now have.



New member

Haha, hi Emily, my name is also Emily) also hello Julieta and Bried. I’m not sure but I guess that I bought these pills or maybe not exactly them, but it was something like banana chocolate, it was some weeks ago and I have lost 7 kg during this week. I can say that I’m really exciting about this and I think these pills are awesome. I was having 90 kg and now I feel so happy, I plan to lose weight till the next summer in order to be happy, healthy and to have some beautiful sea photos, in my new bikini… mmm dreams. It was really hard to me to find something that would help me and I’m really glad I did it. Anyway it’s true that you don’t want to eat but I eat healthy every day and I think that this is why these pills helped me so much. On the pills ticket was written that they are supplements and that they have to be used while having a good and healthy eating meal and I’m sure that this is true. Any supplements have to be taken with a healthy meal. Before this I have tried different diets but I can’t find my willpower to go ahead with the diet, that’s why I consider that these pills were created, for people like me, that really want to lose weight but they simply cannot. I don’t want to be judged by someone, I know what you can say that if you really want something you can do this and so on. Not very time it’s like this, sometimes you just need some help no matter what kind of. My situation now is a very difficult one and I’m looking for something and I’m trying to lose weight for more than 2 years. 2 years ago I was really fit and I lost 12 kg by myself with diets, I was so proud of me and I thought that I’ll be like this forever. NO! Before my final exams I gained all this weight back, because of stress and because I started to eat like before, different kind of stuff. After the exams I tried to recuperate my pervious diet status but since that day passed more than 2 years and I’m still here trying to do this. I know my relatives and my boyfriend don’t understand this situation and I know that they have heard that I want to lose weight for a very long time, and I know that they don’t believe me, but I really hope that soon I’ll be able to prove it. I want to be happy and this is my biggest wish ever, to lose weight. If I just could make a wish just one, I would wish to be fit, lean and skinny for all my life, I know that if I would ever be able to be like this, I’ll be self confident and I’ll be able to do everything, but unfortunately there is no miracle in this world and you have to do this by your own with a lot of trying and a very hard work. I really hope that these supplements will help me to lose the weight I’m dreaming of to lose and to change my inner world. Also I hope that you are going to have the same results and you would achieve your goal. Trust me I know what is this, trying to lose weight but unsuccessfully. A really big issue and a really big struggle. Have a nice day everyone and sorry for the long story.



New member

Thank you everyone, I was thinking about purchasing them and giving them a try but I knew that I need something similar to what I have got here, your encouragement words, and now I know for sure that I will go after them. I wanted to thank each one of you for warning me about side effects and for the way it works. I also know that even if we want to lose weight we don’t have to stop eating because it would lead to an decreased level of our immune system and therefore it would lead to a lot of different health issues and conditions. That is why, if I would have the same results as you have, I mean if I won’t have appetite and I won’t want to eat, then I guess I would also try the method with my phone alarm. I would try to eat as healthy as I can and with the help of these (hope to be) awesome pills, I guess that maybe, finally, I would achieve my goals. It is true that a girl completely changes her life visions and it is becoming a lot more life-enjoyable as soon as she loses weight. At least that’s me and 2 other friends of mine. Thank you again.
