Symptoms and light pinkish blood but ng test


New member

Heellooo, I want to ask something about pregnancy toooo, please help me out. My boyfriend and I are kinda trying to have a baby and I am totally confused now of what is going on. So look through my situation: First of all and most serious symptom I have is that Im 8 days late for my period. Well, I can’t say that my periods were super regular but in the past i could be late for my period a day, two or 3, but a week and a day late it’s too much for me. I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend for two months ,last month my period was late 2 days but it came normally, so I guess I wasn’t pregnant but this month I wish I finally got pregnant. Besides late period I have light pinkish blood. I mean it is not a discharge but only when I wipe myself it is noticed. I don’t need to wear a pad. Moreover, for the last 2 weeks I have other pregnancy symptoms such as my breasts are tender and the veins are much more darker than usual, I am having abdominal pains and Im very very tired lately. Much, my boyfriend is already tired of my frequently mood swings, I noticed them myself. Im having clear pregnancy symptoms but I decied to write this because I had a pregnancy test 3 days ago but it was negative. I am wondering if the test could be false. I want to get some advices if possible. Thanks…



New member

Greetings Summer Mosquito! I'm going to try to help you out but there's absolutely nothing I can really do to help you. You should do it all by yourself and your boyfriend because I just can give you some suggestions and that's it.


Well, you should know that false negatives are a lot more common than false positives therefore I greatly recommend you to take another test. If the test is going to come back as positive then have my congratulations but if it's still negative and you still have the same symptoms as you described and if your period doesn't show up then I recommend to go to a doctor to check everything up. I really don't want to scare you but you might have some health issues if you're not pregnant but you have some symptoms. Doctors know the best and if you feel that something isn't right then you should see one right away! Or there might be the possibility that you’re one of the small amounts of women who don’t show up on the HPT at the usual time and everything is normal!


Anyway, you haven't told your age so please be careful if you're a teenager. I don't want to upset you or something like this but please consider the consequences of getting pregnant so young, I'm just trying to aware you that there are a lot of responsibilities that you don't know yet in case you're young. Our forum is here for you if you need a helping hand in the early stages of pregnancy!


Good luck to you and be healthy!



New member

well, i rlly need help now, i just need to know your opinion upon my situation bcz i'm very very and VERY confused now! my bf and i r trying to have a little baby for a month or so. my period is late for two weeks now, i have tender breasts and others. i decided that i'm finally pregnant bcz i have done three pregnancy tests at home during these two weeks and all three teste showed a POSITIVE result. i was so happy only b4 we went to the clinic to check it out and to ask a doctor's advice. b4 this they have done a pregnancy test and it showed back a NEGATIVE result! i thought this is a joke or somethin'. they have told me i need to get a blood test done and the same thing happened. they told me then that i need to come in few weeks so they can do another blood test. i can't wait couple of weeks wondering what is wrong with me. i'm really confused and i'm scared too because when i have done another home pregnancy test after i went to the clinic, the 4th test, it showed again a positive result. i decided to post this here because i'm having the similar symptom as in the original post, i am having this slight bleeding but i only see it when i wipe. what this could be? why all the home pregnancy test show me positive result but at the clinic they have told me that i'm not pregnant? and what is this bleeding only when i wipe? i'm going to appreciate any of your help! just please!



New member

I want to ask something too! Firstly hello everyone. Well, my period is always coming few days earlier than it was the previous month but this month something went wrong because it was late. This month my period came the next day after it was the previous month and it was strange, I had some light pink spotting and then it got brownish some and then absolutely nothing for a while, few days (I have never had something similar before). I didn't really think anything of it but I already was a little bit scared that something is wrong, maybe I'm pregnant or something else. I'm having sex with my boyfriend for more than a year but nothing like this ever happened, moreover we are always using condoms but I'm somehow scared that it can happen, you know... So, how it was then. Few days ago my boyfriend and I had sex and I started to bleed. Now I still have it but it’s not the typical dark red period blood as it usually was, now like it is kind of lighter red. Besides this I do have cramps from time to time and this scares me even more. Are these typical symptoms for pregnancy? I'm clueless. What this all means? Someone can tell me?



New member

Hi, I want to ask something but first let me tell you my story. I'm currently 2 weeks late for my period but this is very strange for me since I have very regular and healthy periods. I mean that my periods were regular as clock: every 30 days I got my period for years but now it's 2 full weeks late for period, 44 days late, this is crazy! What is really strange is that I have done a lot of home pregnancy tests in these 2 weeks and all of them came back negative, I even went few days ago to a gynecologist who has done a blood test and said that the results for pregnancy are also negative. Every test was negative but I'm kinda feel pregnant. What is truly strange is that with my first pregnancy home pregnancy test gave me a positive result within a week after the day I was supposed to get my period. This is very uncommon for me. The doctor said that I should come back two weeks later if I still won't get my period and he will do a test again, he said that he will do an ultrasound. I assume that you can understand me, I just can't wait for two other weeks, I want to know now what is going on with me. I want badly to have another child and I would like to know how much do I have for having only a low HCG levels? Someone can help me please? Also, is there anyone else who has been fighting with a similar problem? Let me know everything you've got.
