testosterone for women question


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hi guys. I am sorry if this seems to be rather a stupid question but I may be completely off the base here. anyway, accidentally I have heard that some small doses of testosterone given to women will increase the given woman's sex drive and I have been wondering whether is that true? does it work to all women? etc. etc. since we've heard about that, my partner and I are both curious in her using a small dosage of testosterone gel (a dosage that would be needed) in order to kind of spice things up if you understand what I mean. the thing is when I have been using it (the testosterone gel) for testosterone replacement - I have been very and very careful not to get anywhere near my partner or my daughter before showering and still having that gel on me. this has been one of those reasons (besides the fact that it was not really very effective in treating my condition) why I have switched to the injections form of testosterone. however, I have no idea why I haven't seen this while I was using it myself, but now I am reading that in some small amounts it can be a good and a beneficiary thing for my partner as well (not, by the way, for only our sexual life). again, is there somebody who could help me with this and could tell me what are the recommendations of dosages for this thing for my wife? what would be the "appropriate" dosages? thank you very much in advance for any of your inputs and suggestions on this subject



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AshToH961, you've gotta know that normally, this is being used in post menopausal women and it is being used ONLY under the supervision of a licensed physician and preferably a gynecologist who decides that this is going to be a good idea for some good reasons other than simply "improving sex drive". very often, the physicians are writing a script for this to be compounded (you are going to need to search yourself and to find a compounding pharmacy) in some kind of cream/ emollient base.  then it is being applied lightly to the inside of the inner thighs and/ or wrists as well, but again, only if that's what the physician/ gynecologist says and how he/she says. but generally, to answer your question, yes, testosterone indeed can and is increasing libido in both men and women as well. but it should be used with extreme care in women and that's why only under the supervision of an physician. you've got to know that this is surely and definitely NOT a hormone to be self prescribed and taken carelessly otherwise big problems might arise. so please, do not make the big mistake of ordering it online without prescription and using it without the very careful and direct supervision of, as I said, qualified and licensed physician or, once again, more preferably a gynecologist or also a endocrinologist either. in case it is being used incorrectly (especially in women) or without the supervision of a physician then the side effects can be permanent, they can be horrendous and sometimes even dangerous as they can be life altering/ threatening. so please, don't play around in doctors and take it as you think would be fine or as someone on forum or anywhere else on the internet would tell you that is the "recommended dose of testosterone for women". testosterone hormone even in men is dangerous when it is not used properly… this is the reason why I tell you… please, just go and visit a physician before you are even considering to use the testosterone and that's, again, especially when there are females concerned about this. I hope you get my message correctly and you do the right thing. I wish you good luck, to both you and your partner. just stay safe. 



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I would say that this is a tricky question. the thing is that as it has been said above, you really need to be a licensed professional when you are putting testosterone and women together that's because you should really know very well what you are doing in there (and especially about the dosage part here). here mistakes are not acceptable and you need to be 100% sure that what you do is right or at least that it won't lead to even bigger problems because a bit of mistake really can lead you to some even bigger problems. like for example, if you give a too high of a dosage over a period of time then this could end up in some really bad and unwanted side effects that are even worse than the condition for which you take that testosterone. just yeah… most likely your fiance is not going to drop dead right in front of you because fatal outcomes, even though possible, are rare since the dosage should be really big (or really mistaken), however, permanent changes (unwanted changes) can and WILL occur if not used the right dosage and even if the mistake isn't as big. like for example, just take a look at those females bodybuilders out there. or better write in google: testosterone side effects in women. a few photos away and you won't ever want to give your woman testosterone :D and regarding those female bodybuilders, yeah, I do know that they are taking way much more than the admissible and therapeutic dosage, however the lowering of the voice as well as the unwanted hair growth are only a very few things that are really worth to think about. but there are a lot of other things either like unwanted muscle growth in women, aggressiveness etc. etc. etc. it changes both physically as well mentally.


having all of this said, I would definitely go with what Donnelly has told you and what recommended. if searching a bit you would see that it is not worth it doing it all yourself and in case a doctor does a bit of tests and says that it is generally not worth trying then I would listen to him. this is why is so crucial to go and see an expert myself and not to simply try to get it right on yourself. at least, all of this is what I would do, that's why I recommend you doing it either.



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well… I do understand what you meant and why you asked for this, but if you're just trying o spice it up then playing around with hormones for this without the supervision of a medical licensed professional as it has been said above then this is definitely ill- advised and it definitely shouldn't be done for as long as you want to keep your woman healthy.


and, if by saying "spicing things up" is just a way trying to hide the fact that you or/and your partner are having low libido (and no, I am definitely not trying to charge you with this, I am only thinking out loud here and trying to search for "correct solutions") then you've got to search for medical and professional help, not to try to play around with such dangerous and changing things as hormones. but you've got to know that low libido could be a sign of some kind of a serious medical condition that should be addressed, such as thyroid and depression - these are only a few to name of. so please, keep yourself healthy and go to visit a doctor instead of trying to self medicate with dangerous stuff that you don't have any ideas what they can do!



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thank you! thanks to each one of you extremely much for taking your time warning us and letting me/ us know the right path to take. after your responses I do know that this is something that we are definitely not going to mess with around. that's why I am so happy that I decided to write here first, I could feel that I am going to get help and I did. thanks guys again. your responses are pretty much confirming all of my original fears about her and my daughter being near this thing and near me when that stuff was on me. I did knew about the side effects of too much testosterone in women and that's why I was trying so hard to keep them away from it. I want them both to be "feminine" and don’t want 2 other buddies in my house :D that was just a thought, something I read and I decided to do a further research by writing this thread. but I knew and I know that hormones can be a really really bad thing to mess with around and I am all thankful for your quick responses here. if there would ever come a time when my wife would ever use testosterone (which I doubt) then it would be absolutely under the supervision of a very good, licensed and professional doctor/ gynecologist. so far, thanks for everything guys! 



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from as much as I know, the testosterone for men is a relatively safe option because there needs to be an extremely big dosage given for a man to have to suffer, that's why I think that even dummies might be having a hard time to screw it all up to a point that is going to end up in some severe/ serious medical issues. but I do know that if there would be a man playing around with estrogen then he doesn't need much to screw it all badly. the same goes for woman. a woman would face big time problems in case she takes just a slight dosage incorrectly of testosterone. the thing is with women that the plumbing and hormones really need to be all balanced out. like other people have said it here, it is much more better to have it compounded in order to get the right combination due to the fact that without it - you are defeating the purpose.


I would say that pretty much depending on your insurance situation, your wife might simply try only a gp with some blood work. just in case the initial testing show it is alright then the doctor might simply try just a low dose patch in order to start with and to see if it is working well or not and also this way you are not going to pay very much due to the fact that these things are relatively inexpensive so you won't have much to pay for. like for example there is UGAGal that is using a test patch IIRC but for some previous medical condition…


so well, just to make a conclusion to all of this I should tell you… you could at least try a very low dosage test patch just to see how it would work out, however you need to be prepared because the results of this can be very and very different and varied. and also, with the IOP quality control I would say that there is really no way to tell what you are ACTUALLY putting in there, if you could order and get the exact same dosage every time etc. etc. but once again, in men there's a different story because in case you are getting 200 mg or a 250 mg per cc then there is not going to be a very big of a difference in there (I mean, between 200 mg and 250 mg) and chances of side effects are nearly none. however, with a woman it is a totally different story as a matter of only a few mg might make a really big difference and also switch from therapeutic dosage to something that it is growing a small tumor or some other big problem… so that's why extreme big care should be taken in testosterone in women.



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hi there. I would recommend your woman to see a doctor in case she has a insurance and to tell the doctor all the problems she has. as it has been said, low sex drive can be a sign of a series of different health issues so only her doctor would be able to tell which one she has or if she has any at all. even if your woman still needs testosterone indeed then the doses for women are just so so small that I personally would recommend to go to the cream route. in fact, I am not sure if I ever heard about testosterone injections given to women, though this won't be a big surprise to me to see that they are given some doses.


whatever the case, there's a research that I have found and there I've seen that some woman (and as it has been mentioned above by someone else - in particular the post menopause women) really can benefit well from testosterone, progesterone as well as some estradiol added.



New member

hey, thank you very and very much for that information, I appreciate it very much. no, my partner is not having an insurance at the moment so I am not sure if she would go to the doctor for now but I'm gonna try. it has been actually a couple of years now she has been insured, but I would really wish that I could afford to add her to my policy… however since I am being self employed then I simply can't afford doing so we need to search for other routes for now. 



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I'm honestly scared to tell people to do any stuff because sometimes this might end up bad. I am going to send you a link that is eventually having some other links with some information for the testosterone and woman hormones. I've seen that the place I am talking about is selling creams of testosterone as well as progesterone. however, they are not selling estrogen though and I've seen that they are mentioning in the article that the reason is that some large doses seem to make cancer and they want to avoid it. but anyway, if you want then you can go and purchase the estrodiol from a lot of places online since lots of them carry it and that's because it is not a controlled substance.


besides, I should add that the study that has concluded that the supplemental estrogen is causing cancer has been due to a really large amount of that thing and given to women that are 65 years old or more. I don't want to say that this is all safe and that it is not true, however what I am trying to pay attention to is that they have never did the test with a small er dosage and given to some younger women that are going into menopause. though I am not a doctor I think that this can change a lot. also, I have done a lot of research on this and I have read truly a lot on this subject especially from Suzzane Summers (you can search for her on google, she is an actress and seller of the thiegh master). anyway, you could read what she says about it and you'll see what I am talking about - she is a really big proponent of it. and yeah, I do realize that many people won't try it or maybe aren't interested altogether, however I still think that it might be worth to at least looking into it and that's even if you are not intending to do anything. but at least, this way, you are going to be an more informed person which I think that never hurts.



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hi there everyone. just in case the only reason why you are considering testosterone for your women is to want to spice up your sexual life then I think that there are some several other stuff that you can try to give your woman and which might help very well but in the same time not be as dangerous. like for example, I would recommend you to search for more information of the peptide PT141 I which is very popular and very helpful either. besides, I have heard about the melanotan II which is mainly used for tanning but I heard that even in small doses it can make both women and men very horny. I think that it might be worth to read more information about these and see which are the side effects, which are the success rates and so on and so forth. then you can compare all of that information between them and with testosterone and see which is better.


but anyway, just in case you are still dead st on trying out the testosterone and no other thing (because I do know there are such kind of people who are dead on trying something) then at least I would recommend you to try the quicker acting forms of that thing on the first try. I personally have always had some better success with the test prop. might be a good idea for you too which is a relatively cheap stuff especially when comparing the prices for this one with the test E that is being prescribed legally at approximately $ 280 to even $340 for only a 10 ml vial. also, if you would do your research on this you would find that there are quite a couple of online places where they are selling only strictly steroids since they are specialized on the steroids and there you would be able to get test prop that I am talking about (this is testosterone propipinate) for as low as about only $ 20 for the same quantity of 10 ml and the maximum price that I have seen for it was $ 95 which is too much. but on an average I guess you'll  find it at about $ 40.


and also, you've got to forget about all of those myths about the women taking test. that it is the very drug docs who are prescribing to women for HRT or TRT.
but yeah, another thing which is quite important here IMO is that in case you are deciding to take the test prop as I recommended then I also should recommend you to start around the 50 mg a day, daily and only then you need to raise it up slowly up until the moment that you start feeling that you get the desired results and effects. you are going to need to take some larger doses for over a period of time for it to aromitize. that is that you are going to start retaining water and besides your estrogen levels are also going to increase instead of your testosterone levels. so you have to be prepared for this moment. when this is happening, the most common and most helpful thing it is to use some kind of anti estrogen like for example nolvadex. or also, you could take a AI (which is an aromatise inhibitor) too and which is helpful either. comparing these 2, the anti estrogen is blocking a really good percentage of the effects of the estrogen compared to the AI that it is blocking the production of the estrogen itself.


I should mention here that I'm a man and I have never been able to grow a full beard. all that I am having is just a small amount of facial hair (by far not enough to have a full beard) and I am also not having chest hair and definitely not having any excessive body hair. but all of this being said you need to take in consideration that I have to triple the amount of the test prop that they are recommending that an advanced user is regularly taking on a weekly basis. however even so, I am still not able to grow a beard or any chest hair. I do know that my genetics are this way, but I thought that I would be able to beat the genetics since I have taken it straight for 7 years and that's even without cycling it around like most of those people who are taking it does. this being said, normally - I should have excessive body, facial chest etc. etc. hair as a side effect. I don't. again, I do know that this is because of my genetics, but I still think that a stronger stuff would do it. the point being that this stuff isn't as potent so if a woman would need to take testosterone that's why I would recommend this thing.


honestly, my personal opinion about women using testosterone and other AAS is that you are HUMAN and so am I too. and since we are naturally all different people with different bodies although we look alike, we definitely may react differently to different things like opiates, like benzos and testosterone as well! and my opinion on this is that different men and different women, of course, would react completely different to AAS and that's for different  reasons.


anyway, I would recommend you to give it a try or to try some of those other alternatives that I recommended you in the beginning of my post for spicing you sexual life. they might be better for your woman than testosterone. I personally am using AAS for some other reasons than sexual life. being a male, sometimes I do like to get my dosage up to some levels of some AAS that I take that I am having the side effect of getting frequent erections so I do know that this works.



New member

um… regarding the prices for this, I know that the price for getting the REAL brand of testosterone Enth for Bayer (which is top of the line) is approximately $ 7.50 for one amp delivered in case you are going to order 20 amps of that. each of the doses is about 250 of test enth and it is lasting, on a normal basis, around 7 days (one full week).


well, I do know that my wife is not even going to consider the hormone replacement and I am all 100% sure and positive that it is going to make her at least a bit happier and healthier. I also do know that there is some kind of a bad press on this subject and the truth is that there's a study that was done on the 65 year old woman who has been using some really high dosages of estrogen and a higher level of the breast cancer. but currently the dosages are much smaller than then, plus the women at 48 to 52 that are going through their menopause period really could use this and benefit a lot. just in case your wife is having absolutely no interest in sex which means a complete 0 sex drive then I personally would start searching into the cream rather than something else as women just need only a fraction of what men do need and I also would look into the progesterone as well as estrogen, however not as some high levels because it can be bad, however at right doses they might be extremely helpful.


anyway, I do take testosterone (I am a male) and since I do I feel so so much better about myself. I can see benefits in both my physical aspect as well as my mental situation. I feel better, I am thinking better, I look better, my mood is better and so on and so forth…


and yeah, another thing that I guess would be really interesting to post it here is that not so long ago I have met a women who is on the regimen that I have listed about earlier. I am just going to go and get those amounts that she is taking and I am gonna post it so you need to have a rough idea of the amounts. so well, talking with her I found out that she have had some of the procedures where, unfortunately, she have had to get her reproductive organs taken out (not sure if I got it right but I guess that it has been because of cancer) so well… she has told me that in order to still be functional in life, to enjoy life, to live and to simply be a "woman" she is, she is currently using the testosterone (as she explained, without it sex drive simply isn't there, she can go months and maybe even years without sex and she wouldn't feel anything) and she explained that this is making her to have sex drive and that's even though she just uses some low amounts of it. but she also said that besides testosterone she takes estrogen and progesterone either. so as we can see, if testosterone, estrogen and progesterone all taken by a woman who unfortunately had her reproductive parts taken out and having absolutely no sex drive could make her have a normal life again, I am quite sure lots of other women can benefit out of this too.


personally am using 500 mg of the testosterone per week. a very simple calculation makes us understand that on average, I take 70 mg of it per day and it also makes me feel very and very good plus I am horny whenever I need to be. no more "awkward" situations.


besides, I have also added some trenbolone acetate either (that I have made from the cattle implants) and I have noticed that this is really making a really big difference mucle wise. as soon as I am using this up I am going to stop as the injections need to be injected every other day for me and I am feeeling like some kind of a pin cushion or most likely like a voodoo doll. it is not very hard to make it and it is not more pricey than the testosterone and what's more important is that I do like it as my upper shoulder blades now have got real broad from using it and my occasional suit that I have (wanted to be in it for this Christmas) is now small too. although a bit annoying - I feel proud :D



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umm..just wanna say thanks again to everybody who posted here and wanted to help me. I would be interested in finding out about the dosages that your female friend has been using as well as, if possible, what kind of thing she exactly used? I doubt that I would need this since I really doubt that I would ever encourage my fiance to ever use it since we both know that it can be a bit dangerous and I am not sure if I would want her to use it either, however I would love her to do some of the research more on her own and also to make a decision on her own about this since she knows better what she feels. just in case I am still having one bottle of that gel left since that I am not using anymore now, it left because I switched to the injections so I obviously haven't thrown it away. I am quite sure that just in case she is deciding to use it then it is going to last for her for quite a good while since she would just need a really small dose (smaller than those I was using, and it lasted for me for a good while either).



New member

well, I am able to answer that out from my personal experience. so, as it has been said, first off, just in case she wants to try it out and see how it works then just use only a short ester, test propionate. that's very important for a woman when she tries test for the first time and you don't know how she reacts on it. so just in case she is going to notice that she has some unbearable or too many side effects then this thing is going to be pretty quickly all out of her system. and yeah, a dosage of approximately 5 to maximum 10 mg eod is just enough for her. start slowly because as I said, you never know how this thing is going to react on a specific person that's why you would want to have as little in your body and to get out as soon as possible just in case something goes wrong. I personally do know one girl who is taking 25 mg eod and she is really doing very great on it with absolutely no adverse symptoms, however as I said, this definitely doesn't mean that the same would go for every woman out there. your woman might not feel very well at 10 mg. you just never know. so experiment if you want to, but at low doses!


but anyway, besides testosterone there is also another medication that is working quite well on women which is called oxytosin. read on this one either if you're now searching for something that would help. might be a good idea to give a try. this is the drug that is used to induce labor. this can be both injected or taken sublingual and it can have some good effects, just try it out.



New member

hey, in case you are really searching for a method to spice up your lady's sex drive then I would say that you really would want to use the test suspension which would be helpful and which is a test base with no ester so therefore it is having no chances of aromatising. I would say that this is what your woman really need. this test suspension it is made mostly by the UG labs and it is only being made by the real pharmaceutical companies located in Europe which there it is only one or maybe 2 of them that are still functioning and manufacturing this thing. it is only being active in the system for just a couple of hours and so, as it has been said up there by someone else, just in case something goes wrong - you'll be all fine. another good thing is that it is having an on set of the actions just within an hour of the injection. I think that the highest that you need to go it is 50 mg and this is pushing it and it needs to be used only on occasion maybe once or maximum twice per months in order to be all sure that there are not going to appear any side effects of masculinity or anything in this matter. however, as soon as she is getting that in her you are going to see that she's gonna change and you'll see the libido of a teenager set in and hold on tight as it is going to be a really really wild ride as a horny and drunk teenager :D I wish you good luck and I hope that this is going to work for you well. good luck and take care. 



New member

well, for women then the creams really sounds to be the way to go as it is slighter, of course, than the injections. I know that the best bang for the Buck it is to purchase the Male Test Cream at the 5 % and to use just about a quarter or so of the dosage that men are usually using. that's because if you are going to do this way it is surely going to drive the price down and so you'll save a lot money. I do know that they have some kind of a "women" test cream but in fact, it's the same cream since you can't change testosterone - testosterone is a hormone and is testosterone whatever. they just put a smaller tube and a bigger price. I personally did have priced out the testosterone Gel or Creams (no prescription) and you are just paying about at least double or maybe even the triple price if comparing to the injections (and yeah, for the exact same amount of the testosterone that you are getting in your system). obviously, all of this is done for money purposes.


however, as I said, for women they only need about 1/4 of this amount and that's why it might be worth it. while I have searched I've found a lot of information, helpful information. like for example if you'll search for that actress that I told you about earlier Suzzane Summers you'll see many useful tips. like for example I do know that she is putting the cream hormones right on her genitals as this is absorbing all better (and yeah, you should take in consideration that she is visiting doctors who charge lots of money which means that they must be good docs). she is having a book and she is taking 3 to maybe 4 hormones to replace those ones that she is missing and even so she is really looking amazing for her age. in fact, I would say that the way she looks is thanks to what she is taking here as hormones play a really big and important part in our physical aspect. I am not very sure but I just think that she is also taking estrogen, progesterone, testosterone as well as human growth hormone. and her health situation is just fine and she also looks just fine too. why not to do exactly as she does?


plus, another good thing is that unlike men, women do not have to use a lot of it which means that they are saving a lot of money. a man has to spend a lot of money for getting desirable results, for a women this is different as only a small amount of test would work well… it is very cost effective IMO.


as I have said in my earlier posts, although I am a male, I do take testosterone, and I am feeling much more better than I have ever felt with using it than without using it.



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hi everyone. I have no intention to hijack the OP here or anything in this matter, however the thing is that I would really like to ask all of the contributors here and those who do know anything about this… about how long these creams that you are talking about are taking to show at least any signs of effect?  I mean, how much time it needs from the moment you put it on until you can feel the effects? the reason why I ask this is that I want to help my wife which is in a mild state of denial, she is in the pre menopause state at her 47 years old. from as much as she tells me, her libido is being linked and has a close connection to her cycle. she noticed that about a week before getting her menstruation her libido is very low, in the time she is menstruating her libido is high and then approximately one week or maximum 2 after her period ends her libido falls back again and is low. I also do want to find some information regarding those studies that are showing that the cancer to hormone therapy (testosterone) to be over rated. I myself am also taking some injections of testosterone and I do know what you people are talking about when you say that you feel better because this is the same thing that goes for me either. that's because since I have started to take the T I am feeling much more better, in fact I can say that I am feeling the best than I have ever felt in the last 20 or so years.


I can say that I have been on it for nearly 2 years right now and my testosterone level is 750 + and more but I am not able to remember the free level from the last test that I have had about 2 weeks or so ago. anyway, I remember that it has been in the upper end level. I have to say here that my wife is working in the health field , however like I have found out the mainstream medicine is being skeptical of the testosterone shots for men and some other therapy for women. even though I have had such effects, my primary MD is still refusing to come to me and to admit that I have been all right on the fact that this is very good for me. it has been really helpful but he doesn't want to admit it and that's even though I have lost 65 pounds while being on it. while I been on it I have got rid of the diabetes medications as I do not need them anymore and now I am feel so so so much more better with it, generally I feel like a billion dollars man now :D however, I do have the need now to take the losartin for my blood pressure which is very and very well controlled with the help of that medication. but what's more important is that I don't need anything for my diabetes!! plus, since I am on test and I continue on taking losartin my blood pressure is now lower than most guy's blood pressure. in fact, I can tell you guys that I am thinking that my wife being in the medical field and working as a CFA is not very open to any non traditional ideas, maybe if she wouldn't be working there then she wouldn't be as ""closed"" to them. the thing is that she has had a really really good libido in the past… however during that time I have already been pretty low. now that I am up, she is low. that's just so frustrating. right now she is liking life, however not keeping up. in fact, to be honest, from talking about this and from reading information on this  I have found out that she is barely in normals because she is in the bottom down and still continuing down. for a really hot looking woman as she is and a horned up man as I am now, this is starting to be getting an really big problem. she is not taking any injections and it seems like a cream may be the very best start in some very low doses, I think. to be honest here, I we do not think that it is going to take very much in order to finally jump start this entire process and in case it does she is going to be much more receptive to follow up information. or I hope so.


whatever the case, it does looks like so many of us here are having some very similar problems… but unfortunately we do not seem to find an answer… in fact, an answer to how we need to convince our mates to try and to fix things? we really would need to fix them somehow as it can't go like that.



New member

my wife is also post menopause and she is not even able to get excited and not to mention that she has absolutely no interest in sex at all, however will still do it if I need it, however she's gonna do it like it is a chore or something. in fact, she is not really willing to do it for some other reasons as well like for example vaginal sex is very painful for her. it really does appear that most of the doctors are being afraid of the lawsuits and so they are not prescribing anything unless you are coaxing them.


but I honestly do think that the creams are quite a good option as they are always having a constant amount of hormone and that is why their mood is staying always the same. but I do think that you are having  a really good point about the testosterone which does convert to estrogen and therefore, I honestly do think that taking testosterone, progesterone along with estrogen is the very good way to go here.


plus to that, I have also heard and I know that cialis as well as viagra are being prescribed for woman. honestly, I can bet that it works for those guys.
