Throat so tighten barely can swallow


New member

Hello there people, I have my throat so tighten it is hard for me to breath sometimes and of course I can't swallow normally. I started to feel that something is wrong with my throat about a week ago, but I though it could be because of some little cold and I though it will pass in few days. I'm not so lucky and now it's just getting worse... I'm in a real panic because it's so tighten that I'm feeling like it is going to close up! I used to smoke but it's about 3 days I can't even look at a cigarette!!.. My family doctor now is out of country and he will come in week!!! I can't stand that long. Please if someone knows what can I do to stop it! By the way, I don't know if they are linked together but not so long ago I had some sore throat! But I treated them... probably... Thanks



New member

Well hello there wooker, there are many things that can cause your throat tightness:


you could have swollen tonsils or you thyroid gland can be enlarged or maybe something else but in majority cases these two are the main problem. You might be able to save a doctor's time by checking your tonsils with a flashlight. Ask someone to shine into your throat to check.


If they are not swollen probably your thyroid is enlarged so you need to take some additional tests. All your eating and breathing problems are caused by one of these. Anyway, you need to see a ear, nose and throat doctor quicklier so my advice is to go to a privat one if you say that your family doctor misses, lest throat tightness can be just the beggining of your health problems.


Meantime you go to a doctor you can try albuterol inhaler or another breathing treatment if you can't resist the pain. Since it will open your throat it may reduce the feeling of tightness in it. Albuterol it's for bronchial asthma but it might help you. You can stay in touch with me if you want and you could describe how is the process going. At least think positive: you can't smoke now and it's a good opportunity to quit it definitely.



New member

I have been programmed to a privet doctor but he could not accept me sooner than tomorrow... I don't know how I could resist so much time but tomorrow I will also buy the Albuterol because it's painful to eat and to breathe! I lost 5 lbs in few days because of this pain and I'm always hungry... Thanks brigittekey for trying to help!



New member

Hello there, I suffered from the exact same symptoms for the past 7 months. I've had continuously sore throats and when I visited my doctor he said that I had swollen lymph nodes in my neck as well as swollen tonsils. I've also found it hard to breath and painful to eat, sometimes I even found it hard to sleep at nights because of it. The good doctor said that if my swollen tonsils are going to stay so for some time he will have to get them out. About the swollen lymph nodes he said that my body is fighting with those throat problem and they will go down in time, nothing to worry about. You said that you will go to check at your doctor but you didn't write any updates, better keep in touch with us. Maybe we could give you some further advices. By the way brigittekey gave you good advices. Some of them my doctor told me to follow, he also told me to check and see if it were my tonsils by shining a flashlight into my throat. You could also try the albuterol inhaler. It might help you, I think. I wish you good luck and be careful!



New member

Hey everyone, thank you for your replies. I have the same problem so I went to a doctor and made a blood test for thyroid gland and the results came back normal. These days I'm going to see and ent specialist. Now I'm feeling like I have new problems besides this. I woke up this morning I felt short of breath so I coughed pretty hard. Moreover I also have an unexplained cold so I was sneezing hard too and while I was coughing I experienced a lump feeling in the bottom of my throat. So here started my biggest problems. I have now sharp pains coming all the way from my throat to my tummy. It feels like I literally have something in my throat, like a bone or something and each time when I try to swallow or something like that I feel a horrible pain. I even breath in and out feeling this huge pain. And here is not all yet: I have a constant feeling like I want to burp but I just can't because if I try to do so the unbelievable pain is coming right after. I really don't know what to do with these huge pains I have but I want to get rid of them so bad. I can't do anything without pains. Is there someone else with something similar to me or I'm having something really serious? anyone have any ideas? that would be great! thank you all in advance



New member

I have the exact same sort of thing for about a week now and I know how bad it can be. I always feel like someone is squeezing my neck and I can't swallow. I have the following symptoms: feeling like I'm having a lump in my throat, it feels so bad like a golf ball is stuck in my throat and I can't get it out of there. I assume that my throat is swollen now but I can't say that for sure because there's nothing clearly visible. I have noticed that these symptoms are a little eased in the morning, I don't know why but they get worse in the evening and at night thus creating problem to fall asleep. Even if I have no problem to eat, I can push the food through my throat but it feels very uncomfortable. I also have noticed that when I eat it makes tightness to go away for a little time. I don't really know if this is true but I found on the internet that this issue will resolve on its own so now I'm wondering whether I should visit a doctor or no. I also have found that it could be a disorder called cricopharyngeal spasm which results from a spasm in the cricopharyngeus muscle. Someone knows a little more about this? I would be very glad if someone will post further instructions about what should I do to get rid of this issue! Thank you all for your posts though.



New member

Hi everyone, all your descriptions are matching pretty well the way I have been feel now for approximately 2 months. I am now very and very scared that I could have ALS. I wanted to ask you guys if there are any ways to rule out the ALS or no and if you know to share them with me. plus, I also wanted to ask if the relief I am having when I am using a muscle relaxant or valium can confirm that it is the cricopharyngeal spasms or not really? Do you have some other advices for me? I see that passed a while since you’ve posted so I wanted to ask you if somebody has ever found out what’s this??


Not so long ago I have visited an ENT and he has performed a scope, however, he said that he has found no lesions there, no lumps as well as no muscle weakness in my throat. I don’t know how should I feel? I’m happy that he said that everything is alright but I’m not happy that my condition isn’t revealed and I have to guess why I’m suffering from this. do you guys know why he wouldn’t have mentioned this diagnose? I assume that you guys know more and better all these things. please anyone??
