unknown skin rash recurring in the same spot over and over


New member

Hi all. I need a bit of your help if that’s possible. I am now searching for a little bit of your help, please. the problem is that I am constantly getting an strange undiagnosed rash on the back of my neck, on my chest as well as between my breasts and they are forming the same pattern every single time. well, it is starting by being itchy and red in these areas, after that it is forming there some red bumps with some little white spots at the top of them and the entire area of the back of my neck is getting a little bit swollen, raised a bit with these strange bumps (or I could call them some tiny pimples). They worry me. eventually, when they are breaking up and they initiate to dry up maybe even scabbing slightly, it is disappearing as quick as it can heal. Of course I have visited a dermatologist asking this why is this appearing and what are they in general, however he was not able to diagnose them, and this is the reason why I am here. of course I am not a dermatologist and I can’t say this for sure, but I do believe that this might have something in common with the cheese made from goats milk, I don’t know, but I think that it plays a role here… is here somebody who can tell me if that might be possible in general? and one more thing that I have been able to notice is that this thing is appearing more when the seasons are changing, like for example summer to fall and winter to spring. And one more and last thing that I did noticed is that if I am using a hair dryer (on a low heat level) then it does seem to help me with the itch (kinda disappears) and generally it is boosting the whole regeneration process and it is helping me to get rid of that thing faster. That’s everything I noticed. Maybe there are some other things too but I wasn’t able to spot them. I would really appreciate if somebody could help me with this problem. any thoughts, opinions etc.? also, is there somebody else suffering from this problem? if yes, what have you noticed? Are you eating cheese from goat milk? Have you noticed that seasons shift play a role in this? or maybe here is a professional dermatologist who knows what I am talking about? I would like to know how to get rid of this problem once and forever.



New member

I’m not sure if we’re both talking about the same condition but at least it pretty much sounds so because I am also having a skin rash that is continuing to come back over and over again each year and yeah, as you have said… usually it is appearing around that time of the year when there is the seasons change like for example spring to summer and summer to fall and so on. That’s why I thought that we have the same thing. oh yeah, and it is always appearing in the same spot… in my right hip. I mean, even though the spots where it is appearing on us are different, it is still appearing on the same spot for you and on the same spot for me year by year. So, it could be the same, isn’t it?


Anyway, I simply can’t figure it out what is this and how do I get rid of it? it does itches and even though it is not so horrible, is frustrating. As in your case, this thing is starting out red but then it is changing in color, isn’t it the same for you? it is almost looking like a big green/yellowish thin scab that started to form there. and I have found out anything that would work on me, I have tried everything on it, a lot of lotions and creams and etc. etc. but none of them were helpful. I can’t seem to find anything that would help even though I did tried some things… after some trying I have made my conclusion that it pretty much needs to run its course… and that’s all… at least I guess so. There’s nothing else left to do.


I would really like to know if any of you has any ideas as to what this rash exactly is and how it is formed and even more better what it is causing its appearing and how exactly to get rid of it. I have also visited a doc and he said that this thing is either allergies to something or dermatitis and she gave me some pills and some creams for both of them but, as I have already said, they are doing nothing. I have only wasted my time and money for no avail. Is there any of you who has any ideas?? And by the way… about the cheese made from goat milk… I don’t know but I don’t seem to eat it… and this rash still appears.. any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks.



New member

Oh yeah, I do have a pretty much the same thing as you guys, not sure but it does sound to be exactly as yours. Mine is a right hip strange pattern rash that doesn’t seem to go away from nothing in this world. The last one that I have had started about 2 weeks ago or so. I started to think that this is something from our genes. I mean, there’s like something written in us that this MUST happen. Like for example our legs and hands are growing because it is written in our genes. Doctors are not able to stop this phenomenon, the same here, they can’t stop it since it is written in our genes… at least I think so. Because I’ve also visited docs but they were useless. By the way, the last year I thought that it has stopped, I thought that it happens a couple of years and then it stops once and for all because the last year it haven’t happened at all, however, no… it has started again… I am getting it every single year since about 2006 or so except the last year. Usually, mine are lasting approximately one month and a half or so. As you have said, medicines are useless here, they are doing absolutely nothing but I have tried SOOOO many of them and I have visited about 3 docs. But then I have stopped to fight with it, for a few years now, I simply accepted it… but if there is somebody who has finally found a solution then I would be happy if you would share it with us.



New member

You might be suffering from the same condition as I have been suffering in the past which is called eczema. It really sounds so to me. I have had it mostly on my hands and on my fingers for years and there were a lot of docs who were unable to help me. like for example one of them gave me some cream (he said that it is basically steroids) and he told me to put it on my hands every single night. I’ve done exactly as he recommended and it is true… in the morning I was waking up with my hands cleared up, however the effects didn’t lasted that long because by the end of the each day my hands were all in those broken out pimples again. only later I have finally found a solution that really tried. It wasn’t a temporary solution as those steroids, but it cured this skin rash completely. It is a lotion which is called Renew that has actually cleared it up in less than 2 months and it has completely cleared it up as it never came back again. thanks god. You can google it and you’ll see. It is from a wellness company that is called Melaleuca and it does not have any harsh chemicals in it. you should check it out. if you’re going to daily use it on your part of the body were you have the rash then I guess that it must help you too as it helped me… as I said, it has done the job in less than 2 months… I guess that it might be worth it especially when nothing else works, what do you think? Hope this would help somebody out there, in case any of you are having any questions about this or you would simply like to get some more information then you can always feel free to let me know about that and I promise that I will do my best in order to help you with all I can. I wish you good luck.



New member

I guess that I might be having the same thing as you all. I am getting that rash on my right leg but I don’t know if it’s the same because I see that nobody mentioned that they are getting them if they are taking a bath with hot water because that’s the situation for me. it is always coming back for me when I take a hot water bath… it seems to me that this is mostly like a trigger or something because I am not sure if this is what exactly causing that rash… also, what I have noticed is that there is nobody who mentioned about fungi but I think that this what might be the exact problem… there is somebody who has told me that this really might be because of the fungi and I do think that it is true. By the way, I am using betnovate cream and this cream is healing my rash very quickly. Is there anyone of you who has ever used this cream?? However, I still need to say that unfortunately this rash is still coming back every now and then (and yeah, as you mentioned, on the exact same spot every time), however, I am immediately applying this cream when I see that there start to appear a couple of these little red bumps so this is stopping the inflammation before it is getting worse so this is why I can say that this is not so much of a big problem anymore with this cream. You should search for it and try it out. maybe this would be helpful for some. Best regards.
