Used cytotec, my baby is OK?


New member

Hi everyone! I need some help! I’m so confused. I’m pregnant. I haven’t planned this but it happened. First of all when I discovered that I’m pregnant I used cytotec to abort the baby when the baby was just 1 month and 1 week. After taking it, I thought that this was supposed to work but nothing happened. I had some cramps but nothing else. No bleeding or severe pain or nothing like this. I read that cytotec is used by people that have problem with ulcers and I also had an ulcer. Now I’m pregnant for almost 4 months. I had a control and also a transvaginal ultrasound for 3 times. I got an outstanding diagnose because the baby was okay, and was moving well. His heart beat was normal and also the oxygen circulation. Now I have changed my mind about abortion and my only concern is the progress and the development of my baby. Do you think that cytotec could cause some abnormal effects? Do I have to be worried about his heath? Please help.



New member

No one is going to answer this question? My boyfriend and I are having the same question and I was thinking that I will get some answers by now. Is there someone who can help us to know a little more about this? I really hope my baby is O.K. but I'm just soooo scared. I can't imagine what I'm going to do if something will happen to my little baby. Does it can have really bad effects? Or even I can have birth defects? I am too scared! Please help me to endure this situation somehow easier.


ella nn

New member

Now, I came here telling you all that I hate doctors, I hate medicine and I hate everything in this damn world!!!! They have killed my baby and I want to judge these doctors! Not so long ago I found out that I am pregnant. I was extremely happy, I wanted this baby and it was a god send for us. However, I went to two different doctors in my town and both of these doctors told me that my baby is not having a heart beat so he is dead inside of me. I was depressed but I wasn’t able to do anything about that… well, they have prescribed me the cytotec and told me to take 8 doses. I took 5 out of those 8 doses they have prescribed to me and I went back to them two days later after I got their prescription. After they looked they said that my baby is having a heart beat, however, they said that there’s no guarantee that my baby will survive because I have taken more than half of the recommended doses to flush my baby out of my system. How it can be even possible? They have told me that my baby is dead but after I took over a half of their doses to kill him they told me “oh way he’s not dead”. Of course he would be dead with such doctors! I am very confused now, I am very scared and I am very, very and very angry! I have not have any sleep in two days now and I don’t know what should I do now. because I have took so much doses I’m pretty sure that my baby won’t get through all of this but still, I have some hope. Maybe he will be alright….
