vagina is red, sore and itchy


New member

Hi every one on this forum. I need help if you can give it to me. Recently, for the past 3 days, I have noticed that my vagina is red, sore, very itchy and slightly painful with sort of yellowy discharge. I have looked on the net but I am not sure what it may be or what may cause it and if I can treat it on my own or if I need to consult with a doctor. But to be honest with you I don't like the idea of a doctor looking at my private parts. I know that this is something normal but I'm a quite private person. Now I'm stuck because I don't know what to do and I don't really want to talk to someone I know, but I'm already scared enough. By the way I am a virgin, but I think I know from where I got it: I got fingered around the time these symptoms started to appear. I am really wondering if anyone here may have an answer as to what it may be, because of a yeast infection of maybe the friction? At least some hints are going to be really appreciated!



New member

Well, I'm not a doctor but I know that something like this could happen. I see that you wrote this post 2 weeks ago and I'm wondering how you're doing now? Write back some updates. Anyway, I'll try to help you and whoever is having a similar issue to yours. So there could be a lot of thing that can lead to the symptoms described by you. Anyway there are 3 most common reasons. First it might be due to the friction of his hands and a bit of irritation as you’re a virgin. This can be in the case if his fingers stayed around the outside just touching the clitoris. Another reason might be also due to his hands but if he entered inside of your vagina. I mean that there is a possibility that his hands weren't clear, maybe some dirt under his nails or simply had a bad hygiene that day. In this can you could have some little infection, nothing to worry about I think. So the other reason will have nothing to do with his hands but only the simple fact that you have been keeping yourself dry or too moisture down there. I don't know whether one of these reasons is responsible, I said that I'm not a doctor but there can be a probability! Anyway, the best option is to visit a doctor... I understand, maybe you don't like it but they are just doing their job! You can ask for a female doctor to see you. They will help you better than me. Good luck girl



New member

woah, thank you for posting this but your posts are scaring the sh*t out of me! i had sex last time a week ago with a guy and since now i'm still having my vagina itch, red and sore. however, sometimes i'm really really itchy but there are other times when i feel like everything is ok. i wonder what this could be and i'm scared about it, maybe because i have never had it before. i had sex with 2 other guys but i have never had this problem. i'm almost sure that i have it because of him and i dunno how i can ask him about it. he doesn't seem to be somehow dirty or somethin like that, but i'm wondering if he has a problem, an infection or something that can be sexually transmitted. recently i found out that one girl from my college also had sex with him and the same story happened to her too: red, itchy and sore vagina. could this be because he is an smoker? the other 2 guys with whom i had sex they didn't smoke. maybe i'm somehow allergic to nicotine, or i don't have any single idea... i only know that i'm scared and i want to get rid of this and to feel normal back again. oh yes, in addtional i noticed something, when i go to toilette i notice that my pee is pinky in color. please tell me what should i do.


Alyssa Harney

New member

Hi girls, I know what are you talking about and I’m more than sure that I’m suffering from a yeast infection. I don’t need a doctor to know it but I guess I need one to help me to make it all disappear. My problem appeared few weeks ago and it does not seem to get better at all. I guess time does not heal everything. I am having now severe vagina soreness and itching around it. the itchiness is getting worse and worse and it is spreading. I also have a constant discharge that is all white and stinky. This is gross. Sorry for this but I just want to let you know my prbl better. Moreover, I have some red dots that formed around on my vagina. When they first appeared I simply thought that this is due to the fact that I let some hair to grow down there. However, these red dots and the itchiness have spread. The itchiness got worse. This problem really freaks me out. The problem is that I cannot get medical help right away now. I wanted to ask you maybe you know some home remedies to ease the problem? I have never discharged so much before this prbl, not in this way. I’ll look into a better hygiene but I doubt it is caused by bad hygiene. That’s because it wasn’t so bad. Another thing is that I haven’t had any sex for more than a month now. can a yeast infection appear after so much time if it’s transmitted from another person? I would appreciate any help, any suggestion or advice. and by now thank you for opening this post.


Emillie Amillie

New member

Hey everyone. Not so long ago I have read something that vaginal secretions could turn to a little bit of yellow color if it is exposed to air. Besides, that color can also change a little throughout a month like for example during the ovulation it can become a bit clearer or maybe more whitey or something. In case you notice that it is itchy and there is a thick, cottage cheese similar consistency then there are very much chances that it would be an yeast infection. But, in case you notice that it is having a fishy odor then there are more chances that this is a bacterial infection which requires a different method of treatment. This is very important to pay attention to. this might be the answer for somebody out there, but I am also having an question that I cannot respond and if there would be somebody I would appreciate a lot. I need to start off by saying that I have taken a diflucan 72 hours ago for the yeast infection due to the fact that there was never an odor or something like that, however, I did got the discharge as well as the uncomfortable feeling of itchiness. It seems to me that the discharge, by this time, is completely fine, however, I am still having some itchy feeling and this is uncomfortable. My question to all of you is if you know something about this pill and you can tell me if this pill is still now actively doing its job in the system (as I said, I took it 3 days ago) so I can know if it may soon subside that itch completely or it has already done its job entirely and it won’t?? any information regarding this would be very much appreciated.
