Want to learn more about withdrawals


New member

hi to everyone. I am having a LOT of questions about the alcohol withdrawal symptoms and I will appreciate extremely much if somebody here could answer any/ all of them! as I have seen through the posts here, I see expert people who can help and so I beg you people - help me by answering them.  and yeah, please don't think that I just wanted to get your help without doing anything, I did have tried to search for answers to those questions myself.. however to my very big surprise, I was not able to find any definite answer through searching the internet… so please. I've got to say that alcohol it is kind of foreign to me as far as drugs are going…


1) please tell me how long does it take in order to develop significant withdrawal symptoms? I mean, I do know that people are different so the answer can be different depending on each person but approximately? does this vary very much from person to person or it is all approximately the same?


2) How soon (of course after stopping) can the very beginnings of the withdrawals be felt?


3) also… the dosage…. how much it is affect the onset/ severity of the withdrawals? I mean… is there somebody who would experience them all a lot quicker or severer or differently from a bout of heavy use in the opposite to the use of alcohol regularly over a longer time period?


4) while searching for info I have always seen 'the shakes'… please, can you explain a bit better what do 'those shakes' feel like? I couldn't find it. the reason why I ask you to give me such a precise answer is that I have been a little bit more jittery in the last few days. but I still can say that it is not very noticeable (I mean, nothing horrible or anything) and mostly if I am also on a stimulant too or maybe even a bit more shaking if I am hungry either. and yeah, in regards of the stimulants I can tell you that they alone have not made me feel like this until now. I find it really strange.


5) it is an every day usage an essential part in building up a physical dependency specifically to alcohol?! what I am trying to say is, for example if there is someone who is drinking very heavily for say one week, then is stopping for like 3 days and after that goes for one week once again and then is repeating this drinking 'plan' for a whole year… what are the chances that such a person is going to develop withdrawals when stopping completely to drink? or if the withdrawals are still going to happen, will they be 'less severe'?


6) and yeah… with all of that being said and back again to the shakes… does anybody notice that there might be some certain drugs or maybe even events that are exacerbating the shakes?


7) one last thing here that I want to answer here is… I personally am not using any benzos, however I still want to ask you… can benzos draw out alcohol withdrawal symptoms?? would it be worth it to try it out and see how it might help me here? I ask this because I do know that they are used in order to alleviate alcohol withdrawal symptoms.


so, that's pretty much everything that I wanted to say/ ask for now. maybe later I would have some other questions but as for now, answering any given number of those would be really great. if you need any more information I am ready to give it, just please, help me answering those questions. also, I just hope that they are not too obvious (which I doubt, because as I said, I have tried to search them online and I couldn't but usually I know that obvious questions are found online). plus to that, you might not believe me but I am typically not that person who is asking a lot of questions like this. it is just the thing that I was not able to find enough details on the static sites alone so that's why I count on your answers now.


also I've got to say something about me, I guess, to make it clearer: I have been drinking now for about the last 8 months (but damn… I was thinking that it is much less, I just realized it not so long ago). the amount that I have been drinking varies very much! and I also have to say that it has not been exactly every day use, but indeed there were some weeks when I was drinking daily. usually, I was having no more than a 12 pack of standard beer per night, I don't really remember to exceed this amount (thought I can't say that I haven't), but normally, I mean 90% of the time, I have been having between 4 and 6 16 oz cans of standard percent of beers. or other times about 2 to 3 cans of 24 oz of high powered beer. other times, if not that then I was drinking a bunch of wine. plus to that, if that makes any difference at all, all of this has been consumed all at once, I mean, I was very rarely drinking all day long, was occasionally drinking a few beers in the middle of the day and then, of course, until I went to sleep, and usually in the evenings.


another thing to add here is that I am feeling like I have been more anxious during the day this last month. and as of recent, a little bit shakey (why I wanted more precise answer on shaking stuff earlier in this post), and that's only when I am starving or when I am on a therapeutic (usually low) dosage of Vyvanse (which is 40 mg and I use it for my ADD, on an occasion I was doubling my dosage up when I have been having a busy day and I needed more concentration/ focusing). gotta say that I have always been a fidgety person, however I still cannot say that I am having clinical anxiety or anything in that matter. like for example, at work I am feeling like I am always being concerned/ worried about what everybody is thinking and stuff like this. and the reason why I am now here asking all these questions is that I have always been like this, however just recently I have started to notice that it is all got a little bit worse than usual and this is the reason why I am wondering now either it is because of the alcohol consumption I used to have or not.


anyway, it seems that I have already made a too long thread so I should stop it here, sorry for getting caught in the descriptions and I hope someone will respond. thank you very much in advance for everything!



New member

hello raycle, I am going to try all my best in order to answer all of your questions appropriately and hopefully they are going to be helpful for you.


answering your first question in regards of significant withdrawal symptoms and how much it varies from a person to another: alcohol withdrawal it is very and very dependent on the amount of standard drink that you have as well as the frequency of your drinking too. does it vary from a person to person? definitely yes and it varies very much, alcohol withdrawals varies so much to different people because there are a lot of variables that should be taken in consideration, like for example how long you have been drinking, the amount that you've been drinking, the pattern in which you drink as well as other stuff such as what you were eating, how active you have been/ are and stuff like these.


second question in regards of how soon they will start: well, they usually are starting from the 9 hours up to 24 hours from your last drink. if you said that you were not drinking regularly and you could go few days without drinking then it might be longer. when the withdrawals are kicking in, you are able to start to feel such symptoms as: agitations, nausea or/and vomiting, sweating, tremors (DTs), anxiety, hallucinations (either hearing or visual, maybe both) as well as insomnia. when the withdrawals kick in, there are people who experience only a few of them, while other people can have all of these symptoms. which ones of them you will get - I doubt somebody can say.


third question in regards of how much dosage affects the onset of withdrawals I can say that in my personal opinion… as I have already said it on the second question, the time frame for the alcohol withdrawal can vary from a person to person because it might start after only 9 hours after your last drink and up until 24 hours after your last drink. depending very much on the frequency of drinking and alcohol of choice, it can result on the onset of withdrawals (wd) setting faster or later. when you stated 'regularly over a longer period of time' I am just going to assume that you only mean an x amount each day for x amount of years in which, yeah, you are going to still feel the onset and it is most likely going to take part when your body is going to use to having its alcohol and you are making the decision not to drink anymore. like for example, if you are usually starting to drink your beers at 5 PM but then, out of a sudden, you decide to abstain yourself then usually, you are going to feel the effects kicking in at approximate this exact time due to the fact that you have got your body used to have that something to having to function at that time.


the fourth question in regards of the shakes, I am going to try to give an detailed and precise answer. I personally do not actually 'feel' my shakes, however they indeed are visible in my hands if you are carefully looking at them! I personally can classify them more as of slight tremble that I am having instead of shakes. this symptoms it is not consistent and usually it is barely noticeable by most people. I can tell you from my own experience that they are not really having an big impact on your life.. at least for me they are not making any kind of a huge difference in my life as they merely are inconvenient and only sometimes I am struggling to pick things up when I do get them (unless you are not working as a surgeon, which I doubt). I've got to say that the shakes and the trembles are not a very big problem for me and this is the reason why I am usually just ignoring them (and it is easy to ignore them). instead of those shakes, I am suffering more with other symptoms of alcohol withdrawals which I think that most likely that's going to be your case too!


the fifth question in regards of daily use being crucial in building up a physical alcohol dependency.. well, both yes and no. the reason why I say so is that there are a lot of functioning alcoholics that are able to take some days off drinking and still to have no withdrawals or any other issues, however the difference is that if they are going to attempt to stop their drinking on a day that they have been used to have their usual alcohol intake then they would most likely get the withdrawals that day. answering this question isn't simple (which is why I said that both yes and no) due to the fact that it is very much depending on how many units of alcohol have been consumed, on what kind of alcohol (I mean, beer, wine, spirits etc. etc.) as well as what has been the time frame when the drinking has been done it. a simple but not price answer is: you would get withdrawals when you were used to drink but you haven't.


I guess that the very best example that I could possibly give is that if you g out on the night with friends and you are having a heap of drinks (if you are used to binge drink there), party hard and the next day you are feeling like sh!t. I mean, you are having a hangover and you feel cold/ hot, you are feeling all gross, sweaty, shaky and you also might spew or feel very ill with little to maybe no appetite at all!


well, that's pretty much the same as with an withdrawal as you feel quite the same.. this is, in my opinion, a perfect example of alcohol withdrawal! they are the same, the exception is because it has been just once off then it is being classified as a hangover because you drank once, got a slight and fast 'withdrawal' once and so it is a hangover, however if you were consistently drinking at a higher volume over a longer period of time then it is also a hangover, but it is long term and maybe worse etc. etc. so it would be classified as being a withdrawal. I mean, of course this is not the same and these 2 are different things and this is rather a much simplified explanation of all of it, however this is the best way that I could find to show the comparison between them.


the next question (6) in regards of the shakes again and whether or not there are some drugs or events that can get you rid of those shakes… well, yes, there are such things but don't expect them working so good that if you take them - you're all good. anyway, I personally am using modafinil and caffeine on occasions… gotta say that both of them are not a normal part of my life or routine, however I do find that if I do that then they can make the problem be even worse so I try to keep it all in moderation. what I am trying to say here is that I do think that when anybody is in the withdrawals period then there is always one single symptoms that it is much worse than any of the rest and so it is making the experience being painful and so, whatever that withdrawal symptom is that you expereince is going to be exacerbated when you are under some pressure/ use a drug.


the seventh and your last question in regards of benzos and are they helping with the alcohol withdrawal symptoms… unfortunately I have to tell you that benzos do not draw out alcohol withdrawal symptom and I am pretty sure that there isn't anything in this world that can do it and to make you not feel any withdrawals at all, however they can still be helpful for you in your situation because what benzos really can do it is to calm you down and to make the withdrawal process much easier due to the fact that they are a natural muscle relaxant, they can help you very much with insomnia (which is essential in such situation), it can also calm rapid heartbeat which is as important and it also can have many of other positive effects on helping to you alleviate the side effects. but then again, they can only ease your pains a little bit and alleviate those side effects making you from feeling extremely bad to 'only' very bad. keep in mind that they are by no means any kind of a magic cure or magic pills which if you take you're going to feel perfect. as I said, I doubt that such kind of things exist at all. plus to that, these things surely need to be treated with very big care because they also have dependency potential which means that you can just transfer your alcohol addiction over to them and in the end you would find yourself switching from one addiction to another which I doubt that this your aim (and just if you are wondering, withdrawals from benzos are equally painful, definitely nothing easier!).


so I think that you've got to remember that alcohol withdrawal is a very and very serious situation and it also can cause you to suffer from some massive and major health problems and that's why, this shouldn't be taken as a joke or anything, that's very serious so please be very aware of what you are doing and better be doing whatever it takes to keep you and your health safe which means that it is always the best decision to discuss about this with a health care professional because they are those persons who can help you withdraw safely. so, please, I do know that many people would rather not listen to this piece of advice but I still recommend you to talk with a health care professional before even consider to taper off drinking alcohol if you are a heavy drinker. you never know what might happen because at the end o the day, your whole experience of withdrawal off alcohol might be pain free and fine, but it also alternatively could be incredibly difficult… one sure thing is that there is no one size fits all, however I still think that the best recommendation that I can only give you it is to keep on searching further, to talk to a professional and to be very sure that you are not having any outside pressure or some other issues that are going on around due to the fact that this can be very triggering to return to drink once again which means that everything that you have tried to achieve so hard might disappear within seconds.


I really hope that you are safe and will be safe further. I also hope very much that these answers I have posted would be helpful for you and your situation. and one last thing here, if you are having any more other questions then please, do not hesitate to ask them, I am going to try to do my best to help you. wishing you good luck!!!



New member

I've got to say that you are really lucky because for me, it has taken a lot much longer than just 8 months for it to happen with me and realize what is going on. when I decided to get off it I wasn't really prepared for withdrawals and the very first thing that I have noticed about them, I remember well, how I have been starting to feel very nervous about everything and been feeling really uncomfortable towards the end of my work day. then I would have at least a shot or maybe a beer immediately as I have been getting home for the day and I would start to feel much better. for me it was really bad because I have not realized how much it has been affecting me at work just until I cut back to one night a week.


now, I can happily say that I am lifting weight at a local gym 5 days in a week and I do think that this really helps! luckily, I have never really got those shakes as a side effect that you have asked, however I did have started to notice that I have felt kind of shaky while I have been lifting those heavy weights in the time that I have been drinking every single night, so I do think that this is one side effect. however, as it has been said by the other person who previously posted - that's not the biggest problem or something that would be classified by me as a big problem at all. what I am trying to say is that my strength has still been there and the only shaking moment that I have noticed was during the lift only. one other thing that I have noticed during the withdrawals which was really annoying has been those night sweats that I have been getting. before that, I would always go to sleep drunk and comfortable in my bed under a blanket, however then later I wake up (a few hours later) soaked all in my sweat. but this is only happening to me whenever I am drinking heavily every night! I mean, this is not happening if I drink one time… like for example if I am drinking a lot on a Saturday and it is the very first time drinking in that week then I am not feeling bad at all that night and not even the next day. not sure if this is going to be helpful at all but anyway, I just shared what I know about this :D hope you're gonna get through it easier (and IMO you should get off it easier since there years long alcoholics who can do it and then there's you who haven't been drinking every day all this time and only for some months!)



New member

unfortunately for me… I am myself an incredible alcoholic… the regular consumption of it is hitting a woman so much more faster than a man… plus to that, I do know that age is having a very big role here as well. my hands have started to mildly shake at approximately 4 PM or so, this has been my very first thing that I have noticed after approximately 2 years or so of drinking every single night. I have been a really really heavy drinker as a full gallon of vodka would last me for only 4 days or so. this wasn't fun at all. back then I have been in my early 30s and I am now in my 40's now, and I'm a woman! I was binge drinking until I couldn't take it no more. I have been and I am a very heavy alcoholic… in the past I blacked out every single night and I started to notice that I am drinking earlier and earlier until I have started to drink nearly in the morning. of course I realized that I am an alcoholic and that this is such a big problem for me, then I realized that I have to do something about it and I got checked into detox after my shakes got debilitating and unlike other people who said that this wasn't a big problem for them, it was for me! you have asked if benzos can be helpful in alcohol withdrawals - be sure that they can and they do help in alcohol withdrawals. I know it because alcohol detox it is primarily being treated with benzodiazepines. either trazadone or seroquel for sleep. it is obvious that I was trying to deal with it myself without any help and it is obvious that I have tried cold turkey, but it was never an option for me as this method has never exceeded more than 3 days. Medically facilitated detoxification it is usually a five day, much gentler way! plus to that, with age the physical part of the withdrawal has been dwarfed by the emotional withdrawal. all in all, I am telling you - that's all terrible. and I am still an alcoholic since I still drink, but at least not as I used to be drinking. plus to that, I do know that there is no such thing as ex alcoholics… sadly.



New member

from as much as I could observe from my experience, I am noticing the tremors to begin within the 24 hours time frame from my last drink. that's in regards of tremors, but the fear, the intense anxiety and nervousness are all pretty severe and intense up to the 48 hour mark when I am usually caving in and having a drink which releases all of these symptoms and obviously makes me feel better back again. I can't be very sure but I think that between the 48 hours and 72 hours this is the worst period of a withdrawal. not trying to say that after 72 hours you're alright, but I am thinking that only after 72 hours you only START SLOWLY feeling better again which means that after 5th day you might feel a real change in how you feel (better). besides those side effects, I am also getting some very pronounced night sweats during the withdrawal and this is usually within the 48 hours, after 48 hours is even worse. but when I say pronounced night sweats then trust me they are really REALLY pronounced as I mean some very bad sweating, so bad that I am even soaking the sheets and my clothes and so on. I have a feeling that I lose few lbs every night when I have such a bad dehydration. plus to that, I am also usually becoming very and very irritable within the 48 hours (from as much as I know, many alcoholics are becoming very irritable) and for me this leads to an extremely intense physical craving for alcohol in order to calm me down and to think and act like a normal human being (which I think that this is what other people are thinking/ feeling about this too). but then again, I do know that this is only me so maybe this is different from one person to another. as you OP, I am also not drinking every single day for months on end, however I do drink regularly and I drink a lot. not trying to hide the fact that I'm an alcoholic - I do now I am and I'm trying to do something about it.


but yeah, plus to that, there is something else I guess that I should say here… it is the thing that I am also using some psychiatric drugs either! seeing as you have asked about whether drugs you are able to take that could increase the after effects of the alcohol… I can tell you that IMO alcohol is decreasing the effectiveness of the anti depressant drugs and one of their functions being to alleviate the anxiety. and then there is the other medication that  am using which is called risperidone, this medication, from as much as I know, it is an CNS depressant and it can be pretty dangerous if it is being used with alcohol along, however I am not really able to do long time without taking it, I am being paranoid and I do know it, insomniacy mess without an AP on the board (only in a very and very low dosage that it otherwise is creating no side effects at all). maybe this is going to somehow help you. best wishes!



New member

oh I do know what you people talk about and I can tell you OP, better stop now until you're not going to go through what I have went - that's something that you surely do not want to go through! alcohol withdrawal has been the worst and it is going to remain one of the worst withdrawals out of them all! in fact, I did have heard people saying that alcohol withdrawal is worse than some heavy drug's withdrawals. it is worse than dope sick! and I do know this because when it got really really bad was that I was not even able to sign my own name without taking a shot!!! so please, if you want to be safe then better stop now because 8 months isn't as much so you can do it, not without any discomfort, but trust me the discomfort you would feel now is going to be nothing to what awaits you in the future if you continue on drinking!



New member

i've been drinking a pint of whiskey in most of the days (not every single one, but most of them) of the last 3 months now and when I have finally decided that I must stop which was a few days ago, I have went through an really horrible insomnia for like 3 days or so, plus to that I have been feeling like my skin has been crawling, something extremely unpleasant and not comfortable to live with. in addition to this, I have also got in a really bad depression which continues to follow me even now but I am much better now. but I think that this might also appear from the lack of sleep that I used to get then. today it is my 6th day without a drink and I am feeling much better now than I used to, in fact I can say that I am nearly feel fully back to normal now… however this is the experience that I have got from drinking 3 months only! and this was not a pleasant experience at all! I just remember about this past week and I start getting anxious again. hope I will never get through this again!



New member

well.. I'm just gonna try to be as honest as I can and that's why I tell you that I don't really think that you are quite there yet… I mean… what I am saying is from my personal experience so I tell you that it has taken me several years drinking beer as well as hard liquor every single night. over the time, I guess all alcoholics can relate, they are becoming so so regular and so 'normal' that you start to drinking some ridiculous amounts of it every single day and then you start drinking it every morning as well. but when you do stop it, finally, then as soon as you do it is literally feeling like you are having a seizure or something in this matter. and I think that this is when you are in the danger zone when you are begin convulsing and getting those shakes. and if (when) you are waking up in the morning and you find out that you are unable to simply sign your name without getting a drink then this is my personal self test when I do know for sure that my withdrawals are already very very bad. there are withdrawals that are manageable, but then there are those withdrawals that if they come then I personally would recommend you (and what I do if I get them) to get some help, to go to the ER and beg for help because if you don't… well… who knows what might happen… and you can expect the worst… I know this because when it did happened to me thanks to God I went to the ER because I nearly died then. I got really lucky I went then because if I wouldn't then I wouldn't be writing this now as I would be dead. I do know that this is hard and that you most likely do not want to go to the ER because you think that you are ashamed and that's such a shame, I myself almost did not go that day to the ER because I have also been ashamed, so I do know what it feels like. but I went and that was the best decision. while I was there I have had a seizure in the waiting room and I have almost died there. if I wouldn't be there then as I said, I most likely would have. just in case you are withdrawing so bad then you've got to detox under a medical supervision if you want to be safe because you need to detox with medications, with such medications that you can't get on your own. plus those people would make sure that you get everything in time, in the correct quantity. when you are detoxing and you get really bad withdrawals this is all very important. so, unless you barely feel the withdrawals then you might not go to a doctor, but since I doubt about that - better visit one. good luck!



New member

I definitely and totally agree with the previous poster as I also strongly suggest you or whoever else going through withdrawals to go to a doctor and to get a medication that the doctor would think it is going to be accordingly to what you get. usually they give you something like Librium for withdrawal symptoms but whichever the case, you still need to firstly got to the doctor and see what he's gonna tell you. you might get a lot much more help from a doctor during the withdrawal period than you think. exactly as it has been mentioned earlier, you could die from withdrawals and better be safe than… dead. you've got to do everything what needs to be done to be safe, I think… DTs (which are delirium tremens) can be fatal. if you don't know what they are then you could read more about then online. they can be fatal mostly because of the aspiration (such as choking on vomit, saliva or even blood) during the time you get a seizure. generally, we all know, I guess, that seizures can be fatal. please don't be stupid and don’t be ashamed, doctors see such thing daily, don't worry. nobody's gonna judge you, they would be glad you changed and tried to get off from this horrible habit of drinking. hope this is gonna help you out.



New member

hey there guys… I came here trying to find more information in regards of the detox as well. prior to get here I've already read pretty much about it and from as much as I have read it does seems that it depends a lot on the person and it does seems to vary a lot from one to another. I am now 20 years old and for the last year now (or maybe already a bit more than a year now) I have been drinking approximately between a half to one full 2'6 of 50% vodka every single day…. I do know that this was stupid but I'm now trying to get help as now I can really see changes… I mean, I just have started to really notice these changes and mostly, the changes are that I am waking up every single day now in the morning being shaky and nauseous (which I suppose that it is because I have had my last shot hours ago and those are the withdrawals starting, isn't it?), besides I also puke from time to time and I am also getting internal shaking feeling in my chest and in my stomach area. what really makes me thing that it is all due to my drinking habit and it is not another health issue (or issues) is that all of those signs are clearing up after I am finally getting a bunch of booze down. I can feel that my body wants it, that it makes me feel not as good as just 'normal'… when it all has started not so long ago it surely scared the sh*t out of me as I had no idea what's going on. then soon later I have started to search information and to inform myself. that's how I have got to you guys and now I would appreciate any more info as well as I am thankful for everything that you shared so far!



New member

hi all people, I just want to share what I know and so I can tell you the following:


the most acute level of alcohol withdrawal Delirium Tremens a lot of people and especially those ones who are not alcoholics themselves do tend to think that it is shaking of the hands. in fact, there are so many people making this mistake and it is so commonly known this way that even myself, this is what I used to think that they were but it all has changed then later. I've been thinking like that until I have went into acute withdrawals myself in the time that I have been in the hospital and it was a complete mind changing experience…. only then I have realized that, in fact, those Delirium Tremens were something that it is very and very different.


while I have been searching info on this I have found out that on the medical websites, it is being stated that only like 5% of total alcoholics are going through these Delirium Tremens but to be honest, I personally think that the number it is, in fact, a little bit higher than only 5%... however since I don't have anything to back up my words then I am not gonna say that it is definitely true, I just tell you what I think/ feel about it. I also can say that I have been such type of an alcoholic that has been likely to go through them due to the way that I have been used to drink… in the time that I have been starting to drink I would nearly always eat very little food and I was drinking continuously without stopping until the end, I mean until I fell asleep (but in fact, it seemed that it is more like a black out really) and then I was waking up and I have started to drink again and I was just repeating it over and over again. nearly no normal sleep (since blacking out nearly always), almost no eating, constant drinking and so on and so forth placed their marks on me. as I said, I was constantly repeating this scenario…. I would just keep on going like this for weeks until some moments when I was realizing (because I perfectly knew) that if I carried on like that with no change then I could die any moment, so in this moments I would either call an ambulance or I would drag myself to A & E….


and then… the reason why I just kept on drinking like that… without stopping was… well, because I am an alcoholic… LOL. doubt I should hide it or say something that's wrong… I try to be honest with you and with myself as well. but also… due to the fact that only the thought of the withdrawals (I knew the feeling of getting a withdrawal) coming on they would really scare the crap out of me so I would always try to avoid getting them by… of course, keeping on drinking. and yeah, now I do know that then only thing that I have been getting then was that I have been making my withdrawals being worse and worse (as well as longer)… too bad I was thinking about this back then but I know that the longer I avoided them and the more I drank trying to avoid them then the worse they became so that's why I went through what I went when I really tried to get off alcohol.


also, yeah, I do agree with other people who have posted earlier on the fact that doubtless, the best thing that you can do as soon as you feel that you have withdrawals it is to go and see a doctor, to ask for help from professionals and professionals are… doctors. and I do know that it feels scary, of course it is scary… going to a doctor and telling that you are an alcoholic and that you daily drink and now, out of nowhere, out want to stop and you need help… it is scary, I know, but you need to force yourself… you really should force your mind in order to make getting off the booze your main goal, your life goal! and yeah… besides. I also do know that it is a lot much more easier said than done, I do know it as I have been through it myself. however you shouldn’t give up. couldn't do it once try again, again no success - try again and so on and so forth. push yourself. force yourself. change something. do something. you are gonna do it. but do something about it.


trust me, exactly as it has been said above by someone earlier the withdrawals are nothing to be played around and if they are feeling to get very bad then you really need to go and see a doctor and it is better to do it sooner rather than later (and we all know that eventually this would come) so just go to the doctor and talk about a detox plan under supervision. tell them that you are afraid of those withdrawals as you know that they are dangerous. tell them that you feel you are ready to quit drinking (when you really feel it) but you just can't. and better not to extend the 'pleasure' and avoid the withdrawals as I did, all you are doing is worse.



New member

thanks guys for all your valuable information. I really appreciate it a lot. I'm going to try… I am going to try… I honestly would, I just wanted to learn as much as I can and with your help it seems that I would bea ble to… or at least I hope so. whatever the case, I wanted information and it does seems that I've got a lot of it. thanks
