week late period and pregnancy symptoms

So I'm scared as I never was before! My period is already a week late but usually I have regular period cycles. Me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex but we used pull out method. We practice it for some time already and everything was fine until now, I have some pregnancy syptoms for the first time. My breasts are very sore, they never been as they are now, unusually sore breasts for already 2 weeks also I have heavy white discharge which scares me even more! Furthermore I have lower back pains, maybe I'm just over exaggerating but I think it's unlikely. I already done two home pregnancy tests, one yesterday and one 4 days ago, they both came back negative. I guess I have to wait few days more to get another test. I am thinking for doing an ultrasound or at least urine test these days. Could I be pregnant? What are the chances? Please someone reply



New member

Hello Alice, I don't want to scare you but your chances of being pregnant are really high. The symptoms you wrote here are indeed a pregnancy indicator. You said that everything was fine until now, well, everything is fine until a moment. You said that you are regular, but a week of late period is a clear sign of being pregnant and a really high risk. Moreover, you have sore breasts, white discharge and lower back pain... The pull out method isn't safe at all for having an unwanted pregnancy. You know that eve condoms do NOT guarantee 100% safe. There are cases when he doesn't ejaculate inside for you to get pregnant. Sperm can stay at the top of the penis or in the penis canal for days, or it can simply seep out from the tip of the penis even with arousal. You said that already two tests came back negative, but home pregnancy tests do have errors too and even big ones, having tendency of showing you are not pregnant when you are rather than showing you are pregnant when you don't. Anyway you said that you will have a urine or ultrasound check out. Do it, very good decision you took, you will know for sure are you pregnant or not. Talk to your doctor, he might explain some things that no one better will. Tell him everything you've got! Good luck Alice and take care of you!



New member

I'm in the exact same situation as Alice in the wonderland... my period was regular as clock! every 28 days I have got my periods but now it's late! 4 days late and I don't know what to do about this! My boyfriend and I also had regular sex, regular unprotected sex with pull out method for about six months. however my periods were still regular, not it is not. In addiction I have very tender boobs, I'm experiencing really bad pains in my womb area as if I am on my first day of my period as well as changes in mood, tiredness, headaches and unexplained back pains. Even though I also had negative pregnancy tests I'm almost sure that I'm pregnant. Now I'm even more surer that I'm pregnant after I've read your post Tiffany, you've provided me with very useful and helpful information, thank you for this. Before reading it I was putting my late period down to stress I have due to exams I'm about to have in few days. Now I'm surely going to have an appointment to my gynecologist in few days. Wish you the best and please wish me good luck there)))



New member

hello ladies, i'm trying to conceive for a little more than half a year but without any luck so far. anyway i'm having hopes that i finally got pregnant now but i'm not sure. that is why i am here, i just want to know what are my chances? i'm desperate to finally get a positive test for pregnancy! my husband and i want this baby very much! so i'm 3 days late for my period! i thought that my period came a week ago but instead it was sort of brown discharge which lasted for only 2 days which is very strange for me because my period cycle is usually 28 days and it lasts about 4 days, i mean that less than 4 days it has never been (maybe only when i was a teenager). after that brown discharge i got i thought that my period is going to come because i have got period cramps and i was moody (typically for me prior to period). however it still hasn't come yet. happily i thought that i am pregnant, did a home pregnancy test, again negative. besides late period i am having back pains, lower abdomen ache, i am feeling very and very moody and i can't sleep normally. i am feeling strange all the time and i'm always irritated. i don't really know if this is due to being pregnant or i'm irritated because so much time passed and i still can't get pregnant. i want this baby very much so i'm thinking of getting an iui (insemination) if in the next few months i still won't be pregnant! please someone give me some suggestion about this!



New member

Well I understand you and I know how it feels. I mean if you're pregnant and you feel that you're not ready for then it is not the end of the world and it is nothing what world hasn't seen. Well, I know, it's not what have you expected, it is going to be hard BUT try to relax right now! I was in the similar situation as you, I mean that I got pregnant when I was very young and now I'm doing very fine even though I'm only 17 and I have a boy almost 2 years old. Of course I was very scared to talk to my mother and even more scared to talk with my father. I knew for sure that my parents are going to get upset on me, this is something normal when they don't expect it. In case you are pregnant you should go and talk immediately to your relatives, especially with your parents and they are going to explain you everything (of course after they will calm down). It also depends whether the father of your children is going to be near you in such case. You have to get as much support as you can because as I already said raising a baby isn't easy, but it is not the end of the world if you will have somebody near you!



New member

hi everybody, i'm new on this site and to be honest i'm writing my first post in my life, please understand me :)


i have a question! sorry for taking your time but i have no one else to ask, all my friends were never pregnant and now we are trying to concieve for my first baby :) but, we are trying to concienve for two years now and still nothing even though i was tested for fertility and the doctor told me that everything is fine. for these two years my periods were always regular and i have never had any late period, however for the first time since then my period was 5 days late and i really thought that i'm finally pregnant. unfortunately it came today.


with all this i'm still having my hope, my period isn't as usual, the blood is very light in colour and is not a lot of it as it were before. in addition i'm having other pregnancy symptoms, for example my boobs are in serious pain for at least a week or even more, some little back pains and i'm having a very dull pain in my stomach. my biggest concern is due to the tests i have done three days ago and they were negative, one home pregnancy test and another test was urine test at a hospital. don't think wrong of me, that morning when i took the test and it was negative my first thought was that it is incorrect so that's why i went to the hospital. when the doctors told me that the urine test is also negative i was sooo disapointed. they could not tell me what is wrong with me and why i had all those symtoms telling me to come few weeks later for another test.


well, i really doubt that i can peacefuly wait those weeks to find out if i'm pregnant or not so i would appreciate anyone who is going to answer my next question: with all this told, could i actually be pregnant even though i'm bleeding now? i really think that there are few chances left for me, but i'm so worried :(
