Well, this cosmetic eye whitening is looking pretty impressive to me. it is a nice feeling knowing that there are still options left out there, something else to fall back on in case there is nothing else left that would work.
Well, I have been diagnosed with blepharitis approximately 6 years ago when I was 20 years old. I am not sure but I am thinking that I have got that issue because I have been using Accutane for acne when I have been around 18 or 19 years old. in order to reduce that horrible redness I have been used to use a lot of visine, however, later I have found out that visine is only making my issue to become even bigger and worse permanently, that is why I have completely stopped from using it at all in the same day. then later, over a lot of years, I have been trying a lot of different things that I have been reading, hearing and so on that should help. among those things I can say ginkgo biloba, omega 3, 6 (TheraTears Nutrition), bilberry, ginseng, euphrasia, artificial tear drop, flaxseed, eye bright, scrubbing my eye lids with the TheraTears Sterilid (and this thing has helped me very much)
I have never had any discomfort or pain from this thing like most of the people have (thanks god). The only thing that was there was this redness and I have had very much headaches while trying to get my eyes to look normal and clear once again as they were once looking. My eyes were always looking red, there have been times when they were looking like with some bloodshot and my vessels were always visible.
One year ago, an old friend of mine has showed me one fruit more likely an antioxidant health drink which is called Mona Vie. He was aware of my problem and he has heard that this might help, that’s what I have done as soon as he told me this. since I started to drink it my eyes have been looking so so much better and clearer, I can say that this thing has done much more than any of other things that I have been trying. In fact it has done much more than all of them together. I have been used to use a lot of different things and supplement at once, however I am now using only one product and it helps much better. I have found out that I do not even need to bother to take SteriLid anymore because I’m fine without it. everything I need to do now in order to have my eyes in a normal looking way is to have good and enough sleep, to drink enough water and to use this drug, this is all, other than this is just a waste of money and time for me. I need to say that I am still getting those veins/vessels in my eyes though, however, they are not even near as visible as they used to be in the past.
But, by the way, you have mentioned this surgery and now I am very interested in it. in case it would become available in the New Zealand or at least somewhere near then I would really think about doing it. but that’s only if I would hear what are the results from other patients that would do it. anyway, until then I am going to use this product I have been talking about Mona Vie in order to help to alleviate that horrible redness I’ve been getting.
However, we should not forget that each one’s body is different, that is why I really hope that you are going to find this product as helpful as it is for me (in case you decide to use it). or at least, I hope very much that you are going to find something that would be helpful with your red eyes. I know what it is like to live with them and I do understand very well when you have said that people are looking at you like you’ve just smoked weed or something. That’s pretty hard to live with.