whitening underwear by discharge


New member

Good day people. I would love to know if someone else has something similar to my situation. I have always had a lot of vaginal discharge so I got used to it. It usually doesn’t smell bad and that is why it never worried or bothered me so I really don’t think I have some kind of an infection or anything like that, I guess everyone is unique. I don’t have any other symptoms of an infection so I never visited a doctor about it and I don’t really know what is this liquid. It usually dries on my underwear as some kind of crusty white thing but I have noticed that it is clear when it’s still wet. I don’t know why but when I’m washing my underwear the spotted area doesn’t look too different from how it was at the beginning, maybe the only difference is that it is a little more faded but that’s all. What I have noticed recently is that it bleaches my panties, especially my black underwear. Of course I am washing them, I started to wash them immediately after I wore them and the end of the day but they’re still bleached. I don’t really know whether this is normal so that is why I decided to question it. I’m a little concerned because of this.



New member

I have had the same thing so I need to tell you that you should go and talk to your doctor right away! It’s not something what you could wait! I have tried all sorts of thing to get rid of this problem for almost half a year and only then I realized that I should visit a doctor because it isn’t going to go away by itself or without a doctor’s help. This problem if left untreated can lead to other serious health problems and issues and it can make you infertile! Don’t be scared after reading it because it needs time but anyway you should see a doctor. I have been bleaching my undies and many of them I have threw away because they were already ruined because of this liquid. After some time I started to have this cloudy liquid in my urine. That was the moment when I decided I need to visit my gyno. I have done blood test and urine test. You should do them too. I have been told there that it is a common infection so it’s nothing serious if treated soon. The doctors there gave me everything needed and nowadays my underwear isn’t bleached anymore as it was. Everything is normal now down there. I haven’t had normal periods lately but now even this problem got fixed. I recommend you not to leave this problem untreated for months. It might seem nothing serious but it can lead to something serious in time. Good luck with that.



New member

hi ladies, what you have wrote there it sounds exactly like me and i'm going nuts because of it! i don't really know what this is but thank you "highness" for the hints you gave us. i just wanted to let you know that you're not the only one with this! i have some pairs of black undies and they're faded in that area where the discharge is and i hate it so much! at first i thought that they are so because of the wash or something acidic fell on them, but now i see that something acidic is inside of me that is bleaching them. i understood this after i have bought a new pair of black undies and they were in the same way after i wear them. i don't wear black underwater very often but i think i would get crazy if it would happen in this with every pair of underwear. i don't know why this is happening but i guess soon i will follow the advice given and i will check myself at a gyno. who knows? maybe i really do have something wrong? i'm feeling fine and my periods seem to be fine but this concerns me. hope we all are going to get better...



New member

Oh yes I do understand very well what are you talking about! I have the same problem and I got very frustrated about this because I had to buy new black undies very often! Doctors could not find anything wrong with me so I decided that I need to do something about this on my own. I have started to do some research on this topic and now it makes sense why gyno's could not find anything. So, I found out that those women who are drinking a lot of soda or and coffee are having a higher than normal acidic levels and this is the reason of our problem. When I read this I immediately understood that I'm one of those women and I should start cutting down with it. Having a higher than normal acidic levels in our body is causing a change in our normal PH balance so I recommend you to do the same. Stop drinking these things as well to avoid eating some acidic made foods. In some time I have found out that my discharge isn't bleaching the underwear as it used to so I assume that you will see some changes too. On the internet was written than lowering the acidic levels can lead to be more energetic, have less wrinkles and a better looking skin tone, I'm not sure about other things but indeed it sems that I'm quite a little more energetic that I have used to be back then so I assume that this info is also right. Hope that my post is going to help some girls out there. Good luck and take care.



New member

Hey ladies, I also have this problem and I recommend you not to worry too much about that. I also have this problem and I have it for as long as I can remember. Moreover, it is happening to my both daughters as well. It is just the way our body works. I know very well that it’s not something someone would want to have but there’s nothing we can do about it. I always have to buy new black underwear for me and for my daughters too. Anyway, don’t get creeped out. Nothing bad is happening and it is natural. I know this because I have spoken with my gyno and she said that this is normal and that a lot of women are struggling with the same thing. She said that the only thing we can do is to wear white underwear, however, I’ve tried to wear only white and I’ve noticed that with time (a little more than with black ones) they are discoloring too. Sooo, the conclusion is that there’s nothing we can do. Indeed, it is all caused by the acid levels in our bodies and honestly I don’t really want to try any kind of medications in order to reduce these levels. Who knows what side effects I can have from them? I choose to stay this way because it is not such a big problem as it seems to be. I really hope that this info helped someone who is really worried about it. Good luck ladies. Beatrice G.
