can i get pregnant 1-4 days before menstrual period???


New member

hey people, i'm really scared and confused. i have this question "can i get pregnant 1-4 days before menstrual period???" can someone help me? i do know that a woman can get pregnant anytime of the month, but what are the chances of getting preggy? it it's likely 2-4 days before menstrual cycle to get pregnant? please someone heeeelp me. i did had unprotected sex 3 days before my period and now it's late. i'm confused. i also know that i should do at least a home pregnancy test (HPT if i'm right) but i really can't do it because my mother is going to find out that something is wrong and that's not the best option for me. pleaseeee please please help me



New member

Hello samigget, sorry for late post.


Well, most women get pregnant around the middle of their cycle, but let's not forget that everyone is different and that's why it depends on you and when do your body ovulate. It's not a 100% precisely, for every woman is different. I will try to give you an example. Let's say you start with the middle of month which is 14 days before new menstrual cycle and that period is common to ovulate then. Therefore you have 3 days before 14th and 3 days after to complete the normal cycle of ovulation in case 14th is the exact middle day. No one can know if you release egg in the first day, in the middle day or last day of your normal cycle that is why 11-17 days are most fertile days. However a woman's egg lives for 2 days and a man's sperm for about 5 to 7 days. If you simple calculate then you may know that for example you ovulate 3 days before 14th day but a man's sperm could be already inside from the 7th day and therefore you can get pregnant from that. If your periods cycles aren't normal then all this calculations can vary. However a woman's body can give or take a couple of days both way and that leaves a lot of days open for pregnancy.


All this is making a woman's possibility to get pregnant in ANY day of the month! I hope that I've answered your question and please use birth control pills or/ and condoms to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Have a nice day and be healthy!



New member

MBernic can you help me pls? well, i'm 20 yrs old and i had sex with my bf 5 days ago (on 6th may) but my period was scheduled to ystrday (on 10th may), today is 11th and i still didn't get it. we used protection, we used a condom but it broke and we didn't know it so he cam inside of me. i took a emergency contraceptive pill within 10 hours (i read that it should be taken within 72 hours) but i'm still worried that i might be pregnant. my period is two days late already and i still don't have it. what can i do about it? can you say how long should i wait before taking a home pregnancy test? (HPT) please help me, i'm worried.



New member

Hello cherrypie, the plan B pill used as a contraceptive can change your period because this is like a bomb for your hormones. It doesn't have a 100% chance that it is going to work but anyway it is highly unlikely to be pregnant if you took the emergency pill within 10 hours. That is why in my opinion you shouldn't worry that much about this. Honestly it was expected that your period is going to change.


I personally was in your situation with my girlfriend, the condom broke and she took emergency pill. We knew that her period is going to be late and it was so. However in the end everything was fine. Remember that stress can delay your period too so don't be so scared. If you took the pill as it is written in instruction then everything should be OK. However you can take a home pregnancy test now and maybe you're going to calm down. Also, I strongly recommend you to avoid taking this pill as you can. I know that isn't recommended to take a pill often than in six months but best is going to be not to take them at all. Two years passed since my girlfriend took the pill and never again. I don't want to damage her health, you should be aware too. Good luck and be healthy!



New member

Hi everyone. I would like to get some answer so I was wondering if you could help me to get them. So, my boyfriend and I are trying to have our second baby but it seems that it’s a little harder that it was the previous time. I have never had any problems getting pregnant for the first time with my 4 years old boy, but now I guess I’m not as lucky as I was. So, I had my last period exactly a month ago and after that my boyfriend and I were having unprotected sex until I was due for my period again. It seemed that my period came but it was very strange: I was spotting light pink and brownish stuff for couple of days and after that I stated bleeding but for only 2days then again that brownish stuff with light pinkish thing started. What is really strange for me is that I never had a period for only two days! I’m really concerned now because my only thought is that I’m pregnant but when I’ve took 2 tests both of them came back negative. Besides this strange period I had, I was getting other pregnancy symptoms as well, such as being moody, getting headaches and I’m always tired, very tired, I’m getting lower back pains and others. I don’t know, I don’t seem to be a crazy mom and I’m not having any mental issues. So, what this means? I’m sure that someone can help. Despite negative tests could it still be possible that I am pregnant? Thanks in advance.



New member

Hello Tegan and everyone here. I agree with MBernic and I have to say that there is always a small or a big possibility of getting pregnant so you should know, Tegan that you might be pregnant even if you had a negative test when you had a home pregnancy test! HPG are always much likely to have a error of showing negative when you're pregnant instead of showing positive when you're not. In my opinion you should visit a doctor and he will say much more precisely if you're pregnant than any home pregnancy tests. A woman body is full of mysterious things but if you had unprotected sex chances of getting pregnant are very high! Usually ovulation is about a week or two weeks after you got your period (as MBernic explained) so having sex BEFORE your period is reducing the chances of getting pregnant. However you should remember that your periods can be delayed but getting stressed and thinking about this too much. There are such cases when you can miss your entire period. I said this already million times but getting pregnant is possible any time and I also said that doctors knows the best. Wait a few days more, take another test and see the result, if it's the same then you might work on it harder. Tegan, there is no possible way that someone can help you in such way. Go visit a doctor!
