My girlfriend and i were diagnosed with yeast infection, more exactly with candidiasis. We followed the prescribed treatment with antifungals and staff, had to avoid eating salty and spicy meals, couldn't even drink beer for a while. Everything was good, the red dots on my fella disappeared, the ugly smelling urine normalized...well, everything seemed to have worked out. We both had protected sex ever since, she's very strict about it lately. However, some of my yeast infection symptoms came back: itchiness and a few red dots, especially if i smoke more than usual. I'm not a heavy smoker, but i can smoke more on weekends when out with my friends. My girlfriend wants me to stop smoking, saying this is the cause of my problem getting back. Do you think smoking can cause my yeast infection? I don't really see any connection between the 2. I really hope my gf is wrong. Please advise, thanks in advance!