days after period to get pregnant?


New member

Hi everyone,


My husband and I decided to have a baby so we want to give it a try. My period recently ended so I was wondering how many days need to pass so I can get pregnant? Someone has a clear answer? I don't remember where I heard that I can get pregnant at any time but the best result is about 10 days after the period but I don't know if this is true? If is a wrong information? Last months (maybe year) I didn't kept track of my period since we didn't have any problems or plans getting pregnant. Some information about me: 25 years old, healthy woman, my period usually is 6 max. 7 days and is about 28 days thing, but I don't know for sure because as I said, I didn't kept track of my period. When I should be able to get pregnant? Any information or opinion? Thanks





New member

Hello Kim, I don't have any degree in such things and I'm not an expert, but I just want to help. And might help you :)


Theoretically you can get pregnant at any time (even during menstruation - but I don't recommend it :D ), but anyway there is a specific period for each women when she gets pregnant. In many it depends on "28 days thing" as you said, on how long your cycles are, but not on its length. It's the perfect time for starting keeping track of your cycles (I assume that you know how to keep track of it - 1st day of your period until 1st day of your next period). You are most likely to get pregnant in your ovulation days which are around days 11 to 14 (if you have 28 days cycle). The longer is the cycle the more delayed your ovulation is. In conclusion for all I wrote over there, I can say that the best timing for getting pregnant is about 4 days in the middle of your cycle. Start discovering your body and track your periods and everything will be just fine ;) Hope my information helped you and hope that you 2 soon will be already 3 :D Good luck and take care of you ;) Best wishes



New member

I don't think you really need s degree in biology just to understand this, you only have to do a little research on this and you'll have all the answers you need within minutes. The person who wrote above is right, you cannot get pregnant at any time you want, there is a specific time for each individual as said. An egg is only viable between 24 and 48 hours, the sperm is viable in a female reproductive track between 2 and 5 days which means that in a month it depends on the viability of the sperm and the time when the egg is released. That time is between 4 and 10 days when she has a "open window". Therefore it means that if you are trying to get pregnant you have to think of these 4 days for a conception. Many people cannot get pregnant not because they have an infertile problem but because they are ignorant on these things, do not keep track on their period and simply lack of knowledge. But, in the case you do not want to get pregnant just simply use condoms, if you don't like this birth control method (some women or men are allergic to some condom's substances) just get some birth control. Good luck and inform yourself.



New member

Yes yes, yes you can get pregnant and it doesn’t matter how many days passed after your period. You can get pregnant at any time of the months and these aren’t my words, when I first consulted my gynecologist doctor he said this and I do trust him because he is a very good doctor. He affirmed that all calculations we’re making are only myths that are created by the doctors and nothing more. Moreover I know a real situation that is proving these words, my situation. I got pregnant two years ago and I got pregnant only 4 days after my period was finished so trust me, it is possible that you can get pregnant anytime. No one has a safety window for this and there’s no accuracy to calculate this, of course if you’re infertile then it is the only way you’re 100% you cannot get pregnant. It mostly depends on each individual, it depends only on your body but you need to remember that your and everyone’s body is changing constantly. We’re human being, we’re not robots, and we cannot calculate something with an exact accuracy as for robots. If you’re still looking for proofs u can go and buy a ovulate test and you can do it a month then the next one and so on for few months to see. I think you can find it at Walmart. My final answer is that you can get pregnant any time of the month and I’m very sure about that! Good luck with that!



New member

Hi ladies!!!!!!


My boyfriend (almost my husband) and I are trying to have our first baby. Usually, for one or another reason, I have irregular periods and it's hard for me to calculate my ovulation period. Both of us are 21 years old and it should be easy for me to get pregnant but it's not like that. I have started to take vitamins in order to help getting pregnant and maybe because of this (I'm not sure) for the past 3 months I am having regular periods which is something unusual for me because what happened these last months with my periods never happened before.


Well, I'm here now to ask you when would be the best time to have an intercourse? I have had my last period started on 16th of June and it was over on 22th of June, exactly a week ago. I'm not really sure but wouldn't it be the best time these days? I have never thought that I would have a problem with this that is why I don't know, I have never studied anything. All my life I was scared that I can have an unplanned pregnancy. I know that there's absolutely no one who can tell me exactly when is that time when I can get pregnant, but I'm just asking your opinion and theoretical part. If someone could let me know that would be great. Thank you!


Best wishes, Michelle.

