Going against docs and going online


New member

Besides, we should not forget that self medicating it is not all about only about pain meds or benzos. Not so long ago I have had (and I am still having) a staph infection in my armpit area. I did have tried some drawing salve, soaks and even tea tree oil. It has got so bad that it was enough for me to get very worried and in the end I have visited a doctor at urgent care (emergency room).


The funny this is that the doctor has finally come up to prescribe me some drugs that I was already having them at home and I have got them from some IOP sources for like just in case scenarios, pretty much like that one. and to be honest, at first I have felt pretty stupid for not self treating a lot more earlier, at least some days earlier.


BUT, I have been renting the knowledge in my doctor’s head. I have never went to any medical school (and generally never studied anything regarding medicine) and unfortunately, online sources does not count so much, especially when talkin’ to doc’s, LOL. So well, I have went to get checked due to the following: in the first place I did have had the option and secondly I have really wanted such kind of REALITY check and that’s because I did not have a fully confidence in my thoughts and instincts (I guess, as most people who are self treating themselves).


Therefore, in case I am getting the very same infection again later in my life, I am going to have to put on in practice the knowledge that I have got from the situation that I am currently having with some confidence that I have in that future imaginary situation. I guess that in the future I would take different decisions than I do now, however you never know what’s going to be in the future. Never know…
