Hi all. I’m a 22 years old woman and I always want to be alone. My issue it is not that I am getting too much emotions but it is that I am having a big lack of emotions. I mean, I’m never getting angry, I am never depressed, I can’t be jealous, sad, joyful, glad etc. or anything in this matter. really. In fact there are a couple of things that do make me feel happy, sometimes mildly worried, but that’s pretty much everything. The point is that I very much dislike people.. I don’t know how to explain but for a while now I am in no hurry to be in any kind of relationship. I really don’t care about anything around me and my response as “I don’t care” refers to pretty much everything.
There’s seriously something wrong me with me because I am getting stomach upsets and I am feeling sick when I’m around some people for a too long time and that’s even if I am with my best friends or with my family members, I am still getting the same thing. there’s another thing, I am freezing up when I am around some people and there are other times when I stutter or I can’t even speak when I am introduced to some new people. and you know what’s the problem?? I know that this must bother me but it is not bothering me… everything that I need, anything at all… I can take care about my self alone… and it doesn’t matter if that’s socialization like for example if I need some company or even if I need sexual satisfaction… I can care about myself very well. Plus to everything, there are a lot of people who don’t socialize but at least they are interacting with other people online, I don’t. I can only enter a couple of forums, read something and rarely post something and that’s pretty much everything. I am not interacting with anybody at all.
Now, having all of that said… I don’t really care either. I am caring about this only because my family are concerned about this. I am only having 2 friends and I am not going out to meet any people at all. generally I rarely go out. that’s because most of the time I talk to myself a lot. I am sitting nearly always alone. And no, I am not talking to voice or anything in this matter, I am only talking with myself and there are some times when I am talking out load and this are worrying people around me who hears it. but that’s fine for me because I do like to hold on some conversations with myself, I am pretty much explaining some things to myself, usually that’s what I do.. I am seriously not sure why do I do it, but I just do it.
Plus, I am also having a vivid imagination and pretty often I am playing pretend with myself. pretending people are there around me and talking about me. or sometimes I pretend that I am talking to some people like I am being a tourist or psychiatrist or something in this matter. but as I said, I am explaining some stuff and things in this matter (that’s the reason why a tourist or psychiatrist and etc.) in most of the cases I am being silent about that, however, on occasion I can laugh out load or I can even roll my eyes for no reason (I mean, for reasons and scenarios I have in my head) and of course, there are people that are looking at me strange. I am even doing this in the time I work and I talk to people, I am just not able to turn off my mind of this. I do understand that “normal” people are not doing it, but I do and I don’t think that this is so bad. Do you think that it is such a big problem? do you think that this may lead to some serious issues in my life? as I said, I just post it because my family members are scared and I would only like them to be fine.