Low back pain in bed


New member

Can anyone tell me if I should worry about back pain in low area (middle to low area) only during night, when trying to sleep? Usually, the pain occurs when I'm laying on my side or on my back too and it becomes greater at aprox. 3 am. In the morning, when I get up from the bed the pain dissipates. I read somewhere that many people suffer from back pain during night because of muscle tightness, I don't know if I'm one of them. Could it be problems - bringing pain? Is there something more than muscle pain? I'm afraid that I won't sleep in near future because of this. Any opinions?



New member

I'm having a similar problem to you but it seems to be worse than what you have... The pain in the mid lower area sometimes is so bad that I wake up at night. I need to take some medicine in order to lower the pain. I tried different kind of creams and nothing helped. I've been to a doctor and he made an x ray who showed nothing. I'm having this problem for a little more than a year and I haven't had a good sleep since that. The only thing I can imagine it could be is that is a muscular pain. I don't know what can I do.. Please someone reply. thanks...



New member

I'm having the same problem as you two guys! I wake up somewhere between 2 and 5 AM every. single. night. with huge mid back pain.


I'm very and very tired now, I can't have a normal sleep, I can't rest normally. Every night I end up taking some pain killers like ibuprofen or at least some other that I can find in pharmacies and then I go to sleep again and stay awaken for more than an hour sometimes. This horrible scenario has been going like that for a little more than a year and for this year I can't remember when I had a full night of sleep!


I've tried every. freakin. thing. that I could imagine to get rid of this and zero effects. Of course I've visited a doctor, of course he made a x ray and of course he found out - nothing. Made a mri test too and - nothing again. I've been to an expensive physical therapy for 2 different periods of time and again - nothing. I've been prescripted to take shots of muscle relaxers - nothing, I've taken vitamin supplements as you can understand - nothing. I have bought a new freakin expensive mattress which was supposed to help people who suffers from back pain at night, it helped me with - nothing.


I'm so upset and angry I can't express myself. I've spent a lot of money, a lot of time and literally nothing works on me. I can't understand why, I'm not having another health problem but this and I'm young. The pain sometime occurs during the day and I'm almost 100% sure that it's something muscular. I just can't believe that doctors can't find a cure for this. However I'm not stopping in searching what will help me, but it's getting much harder than I thought.



New member

Hey buddy, some updates? I understand what is going on. I started to do some research on the net to see if something about my colon could hurt my back so bad. Sincerely I found some great articles about the slightest indigestion which means that even if you’re thin this is pressing on your nerves and your muscles in the spine and your back so during the night while you’re sleeping it causing that terrible pain from which you woke up. While I was doing that research, trust me I’ve done a ton of research about this, I saw many colonic ads and I came with the idea that many of them, if not all, are fake. Majority of the recommends you to buy the calcium but I have no money and no time to spend on this and sincerely – I don’t believe it is going to help. I was very frustrated that these people try to literally steal money from people like me and you who are suffering from back pain. They just try to make money on our sufferings. Well I found something else, non profitable for big companies and I simply started to ate at noon a large piece of salmon and some milk at 6 around PM, the food rich in natural calcium.  I ate nothing else after that, I only drank water. I don’t really know if this is going to work on you too but I’m so thankful to whoever gave me this information because even if it’s early in the experiment I had absolutely no back pain during the whole night. The best thing is that I could sleep on every side, left side, right side my back or my stomach, I slept all the night during the morning and I woke up without pains. I know that there are many people suffering from this so I just want to let you know that finally we could possible found that remedy we’re searching for and not as expensive as you have thought and spend money.  I would like to know if my information helped you so if it did let me know about it please!  It is going to be great knowing that I helped someone!!



New member

Hey everyone, I’ve came back with a solution that everyone here should definitely try it out! My long lasting chronic pains came to the end finally. Since my last post I have tried a lot more of other things but everything was useless. I’ve spend a lot of money on massage therapy and I even took steroids just to get rid of it. Later my pains were even worse, they were constant, and I could barely sleep. Well, it was horrible. Thanks to a new doctor I’ve met I’m now feeling back to normal and I can finally normally sleep. He said I should take 200 mg per day of Celebrex and that it should help. At first I could not believe it but it really helped! Believe me I know what you are going through right now and I know that it is very hard but you should try it and you’ll see how wonderful life can be without pains.


P.S. I don’t sell this drug, I just wanna help you.
