Something about laxative to know


New member

Hello everyone, here is a little story about me: I am recovering bulemic and I was binging and after that I was taking 20 laxatives in order to rid my body, well, I'm now regreting this and let me tell you why you should not do it too. I was doing this procedure for many many years. I was anorexic and I wasn't eating but only taking these laxatives so this is my biggest mistake I guess. I have started it in about my last grade year and I was keep doing it since I was 38 years old, a year ago, I'm now 39. Our bodies are getting very addictive to laxatives! Mine got so addicted to them that my large intestine stopped working so I had it removed about half a year ago! Doctors said that I should remove the whole intestine because as I said, it wasn't working due to those laxatives! Since I got it out my life is completely changed and I it only got worse! When I was taking them I didn't let anybody to know about my problem so nobody ever has seen my problem. I needed help but for one or another reason I wasn't asking it so now I have to live with that for the rest of my life. When I didn't have a good bowel movement I only took half bottles of mylanta, and mineral oil and anything else that would do the job, not something that I would recommend a friend because now I'm having a serious problem! Because of the fact that I dehydrate so fast I'm concerned that I can pass out anytime. Besides this I'm suffering other thing: not so life threatening but much much embarrassing, if I'm not careful I can poop in my pants and this is because my body only has my small intestine to do all the job. If this is not enough then I can add more: I have uncontrolable farts, they can find their way out without me knowing this and imagine how I feel when this is happening when I'm with someone. Now I see that I should have been recover myself normally and never to use these laxatives and maybe now I wouldn't live this hell! I'm only 39 years old and I'm having a life of a 80 years old. Trust me from my own mistakes and experience, this wasn't worth it. I suggest anyone who has started taking laxatives to stop taking them and if you have some problems with this then go visit a doctor. If someone is thinking to start taking them then my advice for is NO! Don't start it! I'm going to be here if someone needs some answers! I guess I can help you out with some advices! Do anything just to avoid them. Nobody has to go through what I am now so you just message me and I'm going to help you with everything I can.



New member

I also suffer from bulemia, but I have this disorder for only few years and it feels like I have it for my whole life. I cannot imagine how do you feel suffering from this disease for so many time. Such a sad story you've wrote up there. I really feel your pains, I guess it really sucks... I'm sorry for you man... Thank you for sharing your experience with other people. Maybe it will serve for some help. I don't use laxatives, but after your story I'm 100 % sure that I never will. I'm only 16 years old and I would like to know some strategies that could help me in recovery? I was wondering maybe you know it... I'm with you man.



New member

Hi, I see that you have posted this a while ago but I still hope that there would be somebody who can answer my question. I’m wondering if this might damage my body the same way as you described it above: I’m going to have laxatives only like one time in a week (maximum about 5 pills at once). So I’m very interesting if this can also cause some damage to my insides or it wouldn’t be that bad and it is ok to have only in this way. Usually, I use them only when I have binged and I am not feeling alright, like when I have a feeling of sickness or something that way you know. I don’t use them so much but after I have read your post I got really nervous. Could you please tell me: how can you tell me whether are they damaging your body? Please, I don’t want to end with the same story as the first poster. I’m kinda scared now. thank you all in advance and I hope for some quick answers.
