water blisters on the head of my penis


New member

Admins, moderators, doctors, simple users, readers and everyone on this forum, I am having a problem and I need your help: three days ago I noticed that I have a group of small water blisters on the head of my penis. I don't really know why, but I never thought that this might become a problem... So, the exact same day, after a few hours they combined and become a bigger water blister. I was a little scared so I didn't have any other idea than pinching the skin to make the water come out. I've done it but I still have some symptoms. About 72 hours passed but the skin is sore with some moisture on it. Now I'm scared and I'm definitely thinking that this is a big problem... Now, whenever I'm washing down there with water it is painful and because of the moisture it makes the head of penis stick to my underwear so as you can imagine it is very uncomfortable... I tried to remember what could happen to cause this so I remembered that one day I was urinating with dirty hands, please don't judge me, I haven't had another option, I was almost pissing in my pants and no water near me.... I also was using a public toilet for a poop. I usually don't use them, but, again, I had no other option. I think that my penis accidentaly touched the toilet... Obviously I visited my doctor to consult me. He told me that I can normally get this type of infection through sexual contact... I had to respectfully disagree with him because I have never had sex for a month due to my girlfriend's 3 months trip to another country, and obviously I don't cheat on her. I want to know if this is sexually transmitted disease or this could be from other things like those I have metioned above? Is there someone so kind to answer my question?



New member

hey skirst, i have had the same problem you have described there but i got rid of it in the end. at first it was big problem for me too to understand what is that and why i'm having it. i have visited two doctors and none of them could figure out what i had. i was desperate thinking that two doctors can't help me then probably no one can. well, after a couple of days i was referred to a dermatologist who made on me a herpes test and a bacterial checkup but both of them came out as having a negative result. however in the end they could find that this was because i was on an anti inflammatory drug and i have had a side effect to it, or an unpleasant reaction. the doctor said something about being called as a fixed drug eruption or i don't know for sure. i am just glad now that i got rid of it and everything is fine now with my penis. well that is why i strongly recommend you to take a note of what drugs are you taking and to be very careful because, as you can see, you migh regret it in the end. if you're taking any drug, it doesn't matter what purpose it has, you should start quitting it as soon as possible, unless your life is in danger without the drug you have to stop taking. inform yourself and give your doctor a full list of what drugs you have taken in the last couple of months, this should help, i hope.



New member

skirt is your penis ok or you got it cut off? :D i'm wondering what could you have because i suffer from the same small blisters on my penis and i can tell ya that its an uncomfortable issue. they vanish after a week and come back after a month or two and this has been going on for almost a year now and i don't know what to do. i really doubt that it's from sexully transmitted disease because i haven't had sex for 2 years already (yeah, i know, shame on me). i wonder that it could be from dirty hands. i was to check myself for hiv and it came back negative. the doctor then said that i should take some medications: potassium permanganate, some antibiotics in capsules and a cream hydrocortisone. nothing works and i wonder if i will get my penis cut off now :D but being serious i'm very tired because of this problem of mine. i have pain when i urinate and moist on some certain parts on my penis. moreover the skin is darker than it should be. what is the specialist that deals with penises called? i'm being serious now. if you find something feel free to let me know about it :D



New member

Hey guys, I am also suffering from these small blisters on the head of my penis and they seem to go away for about a week and then they come back after about a month or maximum two months. This unstoppable circle is going on like that for about a year or so and I am tired to fight with them. I went to some doctors and they also don't know how to get rid of them, I have done a bunch of tests such as blood tests, urine tests, HIV tests and many others but all they came back normal. I don't take any anti inflammatory drugs as tristax so I don't seem to have this problem due to this thing. Perhaps I'm having them due to other things but I can't figure out what are they. I have never been referred to a dermatologist, should I? I don't really know if this is something because of my skin or other things. To be honest I don't really know anything because no one can tell me what are they, why I have them or most important how to make them disappear once and for ever. If anyone here finds out please let me know about this.
