Workout and diet


New member

Men are known to pay less attention to their body, to how much they drink or eat if compared to women. Most of us smoke and have a few beer on saturday night. There's nothing wrong with that, we need to take out the sress we have at work, right? We normally work more and harder than women, thanks God for that. Well, and when we get sick, we don't go to the doctor till the latest, we're men, we don't need that help. Then, we do that repeatedly for years. And when we're around 50, what do we get - overweight, low testesterone, impotence, heart disease, prostate cancer and list goes on and on. 

Then ofcourse we search for rapid solutions to our problems, for i example am taking Viagra to help my sex time. Of course thanks God there are such pill, but i understool too late, unfortunately, that all these problems can be prevented. Sports and healthy diet, no drinking soft drinks and too much alcohol can realy help us out. At least running 2 times a week can boost your sexuality. We should follow a healthy life style and none of these awful conditions would come up. 

Sport is welcome at any age, heathy eating habits are more than simple, therefore, good luck!
