Silkroad Pharmacy is an online drugstore that delivers its products worldwide. I found some information, I don’t know how reliable it is, but it states that Silkroad Pharmacy is currently offline. However, the official website claims to offer “advantageous, private, moderate option to traditional drug stores and other exorbitant online administrations.” But, still there isn’t much information about this company: whom it is owned by, where it is situated and because of domain being seized twice and opened for the 3rd time - a customer would barely found this company trustful and reliable. So, generally speaking, it doesn’t seem to be a legal online pharmacy with authentic meds.

Silkroad Pharmacy online drugstore offers a big selection of drugs treating different health issues. They claim to sell good quality meds, prescription securely conveyed straightforwardly with ‘online doctor’ option, and different shipping methods. But, all these options are a little scaring due to legal problems. They offer meds treating different pain reliefs, anxiety pills, sleeping pills, men’s health and ED drugs. However, when I wanted to place an order for Strattera 40mg*50 the shipping cost me $75 for a small bottle, which is high too expensive. There were only two shipping methods: WU and Moneygram. The most frightening fact about this company is that the famous meds such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra don’t have written the manufacturing company, well they seem to be manufactured by the unknown companies! This website isn’t legitimate as they sell almost all their products by unknown manufactures, so customers, who want to order from this online pharmacy, wouldn’t take such a risk to order from them, neither do I. Even though they state that “our drug store is in strict consistency with FDA regulations for transportation service for individual utilization,” I still don’t believe them, nor trust in their products.

Silkroad Pharmacy online drugstore claims to have affordable prices, but when I looked up for some famous meds I found some sky-high prices, as well as the shipping. They accept Bitcoin, credit cards such as Visa and MasterCard, these are the only payment methods available at this online pharmacy. On the website, there isn’t toll-free number, no live customer support, so the only way to get in touch or to ask any issue is to write an email to [email protected]. Reviews
Silkroad Pharmacy online drugstore has lots of negative feedbacks as well as unsatisfied customers, which is way a very bad fact. I found many poor and bad reviews from customers that make me believe that it is not a serious and reliable online drugstore. It has as small as 12% positive feedbacks with rest 88% from customers that remain unsatisfied and furious. All bad reviews conclude that Silkroad e-pharmacy is a scam, thief, and unreliable website. 
Also, the Legit Script named it a rogue website for not obeying and meeting the standards set. So, due to extremely poor online reputation and so many negative feedbacks, as well as financial losses, all customers are advised to stay away from this online drugstore. Coupon Codes
Due to the fact that it is currently offline, Silkroad Pharmacy online drugstore doesn’t offer any coupon codes, special offers, or discounts. Conclusion
Summing up all the information given above, I don’t know if it still deserves at least 1 star. This online pharmacy is currently offline due to many negative sides such as bad reviews, lack of information, no live customer support, customer’s complaints about financial losses, a rogue website, and bad online reputation. I consider this pharmacy the worst online e-pharmacies available on the internet. Every customer is asked to keep away buying from this rogue website. Reviews

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