

Januvia (sitagliptin) Coupons, Discounts & Cost

Januvia is a hypoglycemic agent containing sitagliptin. One way to save money on the Isordil (isosorbide dinitrate) is a drug from the group of organic nitrates for oral use. retail cost regardless of income and insurance status is to use Isordil coupons or discount cards from RXCoupons. Use our Isosorbide Dinitrate coupons at your online pharmacy and receive up to 75% off the sale price each time you refill your prescription.

Januvia (sitagliptin) useful information for patients

Januvia is a hypoglycemic agent containing sitagliptin. This drug is used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. As for the chemical structure and pharmacological activity, Sitagliptin greatly differs from insulin, sulfonylureas, biguanides, PPAR-gamma agonists, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, amylin analogues.

Sitagliptin enhances glucose-dependent insulin secretion and reduces the secretion of glucagon. This substance reduces plasma glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Compared with younger patients, the concentration of sitagliptin in older patients (65-80 years) is higher by approximately 19%. Januvia doses do not need to be adjusted in elderly patients.

Learn about indications for Januvia (sitagliptin)

The drug is used as monotherapy to improve glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Januvia in combination with metformin is indicated in patients with type 2 diabetes to improve glycemic control (as initial therapy or when diet and physical activity do not result in adequate glycemic control).

Januvia in combination with sulfonylureas is indicated for patients with type 2 diabetes to improve glycemic control (when diet and physical activity do not result in adequate glycemic control).

Januvia can be also combined with PPARγ agonists for the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (when diet and physical activity do not result in adequate glycemic control).

Januvia can be combined with insulin for the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes (with or without metformin) in those cases where diet and exercise do not result in adequate glycemic control.

Precautionary measures to take with Januvia (sitagliptin)

Januvia should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to any component of the drug. The drug is not used during pregnancy, breastfeeding. It is contraindicated in patients with type 1 diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis. The drug is not for children under the age of 18.

Treatment should be interrupted in case of renal impairment. Patients with moderate and severe renal insufficiency (as well as patients with end-stage renal disease requiring hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis) should reduce the dose of the drug.

Patients should be informed of the symptoms of acute pancreatitis (severe abdominal pain). The clinical manifestations of pancreatitis disappear after discontinuation of sitagliptin. It is necessary to stop the therapy if pancreatitis is suspected.

Like other oral hypoglycemic agents, Januvia is not recommended for use during pregnancy. The drug should not be administered during lactation.

Januvia (sitagliptin) dosage and administration

Patients should use 100 mg once a day (Januvia is used alone or in combination with metformin, sulfonylureas, PPARγ agonists or insulin (with or without metformin). The drug can be taken regardless of meals.

If the patient has missed the dose, the next dose should be taken as soon as possible. Do not double the dose of the drug (do not take two doses in the same day).

Patients with mild renal insufficiency should not change the dose of the drug. Patients with moderate renal impairment should take 50 mg once a day. Patients with severe renal failure or with end-stage renal disease requiring hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis should take 25 mg 1 time per day.

Patients with mild to moderate hepatic insufficiency should not change the dose of the drug. The drug has not been studied in patients with severe hepatic insufficiency.

Elderly patients should not change the dose of the drug.

How to recognize Januvia (sitagliptin) side effects?

The most common adverse reactions include: nasopharyngitis, allergic reactions were (equal frequency in patients treated with Januvia as monotherapy or as part of combination therapy). CNS: the most common side effects were dizziness and excessive sleepiness. Digestive tract: dyspeptic syndrome, bloating, stool disorders, discomfort in the upper abdomen. Rare side effects include: arthralgia, myalgia, hyperuricemia, low levels of ALP, leukocytosis.

Januvia Reviews

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(Updated: November 30, -1)
I’m not so experienced with this drug like others because I just started to use it. I started to use the lowest dose possible in order to see how it works. I can’t say that I’m very pleased about this drug. Since the beginning I started to have different kind of problem that I never experienced before. For example after 3 days of administration I observed that I started to have headaches and sever dizziness another thing was the glands pain in my neck like I was sick or something like this. Some strange pain under my back and my knees. The thing that stressed me most was the joints pain that I have had during these 3 days, insupportable plain. Some months ago before using Januvia I had tried to use metformin but I had strange side effects to that were impossible to manage or to support such as stomach issues, nausea, and diarrhea. I don’t know if I have to continue this treatment or to try some other drugs to use. I would like to ask if there is somebody that experienced the same thing when using this drug.
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(Updated: November 30, -1)
Gosh, this drug made me feel so bad that you can’t even imagine. I started to administrate it 2 months ago, and now I don’t use it anymore. The fact is that all the time I wanted to throw up and it wasn’t like a normal nausea or something it was so painful that I thought that I am going to die. I experienced this for more than 2 weeks and after this I couldn’t deal with this anymore and I decided to speak with my doctor. Strange but he told me that I have to continue my treatment and added that this feeling will pass after some days. Actually I have had this horrible feeling for almost 4 weeks and after this all of this passed away. Honestly it was very awful. I hate this drug. I felt sick and tired every day, those 3 weeks I’ll remember all my life. I had to use it 3 months but I couldn’t resist anymore so I quit. Now, I feel good and I’m really happy that I decided to quit it!
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(Updated: November 30, -1)
I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 a couple of years ago when the doctor told me that my A1C was 9.7. after that my doctor prescribed me Januvia 1 tablet. Besides that, I was taking diabetes classes at a local hospital and I learned a lot about being diabetic, how to change my diet to a healthier way of eating and my life style, a healthier life style. I have learned that exercising is playing an essential part in controlling the diabetes. I noticed that only the medication won’t work as well as with everything mixed together. I have good results because in less than half a year I have lost 37 pounds. Moreover, when I’ve visited my doctor last time, he said that my blood work is showing the A1C to be 5.0. honestly, my doctor was shocked, he said that I’m the patient with the best results he ever have seen. It seemed that my doctor was very pleased with the results I had. He also said that if everything is going to continue the way it is, I have chances of discontinuing taking the high blood pressure and the cholesterol medications. This is all very strange to me because I am also having no side effects. I’m telling you this because usually, I am allergic to medicines. I have showed allergies to 10 different medications. Finally one that I’m not allergic. The only problem I am facing with this drug is its cost. It is very expensive and I am trying to pay for it the best I can. My doctor said that he could give me samples but I’m worried about how much he would give me. I am joining the others who are recommending this drug for diabetes. It is truly a very effective drug.
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(Updated: November 30, -1)
Took it for a little more than one year and then I got an upper respiratory infection. Docs have tried to help me but it didn’t get any better until I completely got off of Januvia. Searching for another medicine now…
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(Updated: November 30, -1)
I took Januvia about one month ago but today I’ve stopped to take it due to side effects. The side effects were too many and too severe to reconsider my options. I have started on this medication with 100 mg one time per day but within few days I have developed joint pains. They were constantly intensifying until they got so bad that I didn’t wanted anymore to get out of the bed. The joint pain didn’t disappeared until today and even though it doesn’t seem to be such a problem it is there and it is disturbing. Another side effect is chronic heart pain, it’s not 24/7 there but it happened quite frequently and when it was happening I was afraid of not getting a heart attack because my heart beat was very fast and very hard. I have congestion as my chest was and it still is sore. Even now I’m very worried about my fast and hard beating heart. I’m still having it and I’m thinking about going to a doc about this. my 3rd side effect is shortness of breath. I wouldn’t say that it was something “life threatening” but who knows what might happen in future if I continue to take it? the next side effect: numb hands, both of them. this side effect was even worse during the night so I would wake up with my hands hurting. Right now I’m still having some pains and numbness in my hands but it is mostly in my fingers. Besides all the above I have some others: extremely bad headaches, dizziness and chest colds. I really hoped that Januvia can help me and would work but with these side effects I cannot live anymore. Now, I just hope that the side effects I am suffering from this medication are not long term and that with time everything would go away.
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(Updated: November 30, -1)
I was taking metformin along with glipzide in order to keep my blood sugar under control but they weren’t really working so good so the doc added starlix besides those to two at the meals and it seemed that it helped a little bit but I still didn’t had the desired results. My blood sugar levels still could not reach the good results. Few weeks (or maybe months later) the same doc prescribed me Januvia insulin and said that it MAYBE can work but he’s not really sure because I was taking 3 meds that could not keep my levels normal. As soon as I took Januvia I’ve been able to see a difference. It seems that this med is stronger than those 3 together because my morning levels were dropped from the range of 170-180 to the 80-90 within a week. I’m now taking Januvia for more than 5 months and another positive result besides the fact that my blood sugars are under control is that I am experiencing decreased cravings in eating, or decreased appetite especially in the evenings which was the worst time for me. I am now living a whole new life and I’m very pleased with the effects I have from it. I don’t know the effects from a long term usage but so far seems very good. There’s one single side effects I’ve noticed: occasional (not frequent) constipation but this side effect is nothing compared to the benefits I have from this drug. I am glad that I found this drug and I can recommend it to every diabetic.

By the way, I have a co worker who is also diabetic and I’ve recommended him Januvia. He started his treatment less than a month ago and he also has the same desired results! I hope everybody would find his perfect medicine.
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(Updated: November 30, -1)
Januvia is the worst drug I have ever taken! I was really trying to use it continuously but it is impossible because of the frequency and the severity of the side effects! Since the very beginning I have started to use Januvia I was throwing up in the morning. I was throwing up 5 days in a week like I was pregnant. Being on it I developed a lot of more issues such as stomach acid! I went to a doctor and he said that stomach acid is way out of normality. Few days of using it and my throat become raw too. I was feeling very nauseous most of the time and my stomach was constantly churning! Because of this churning stomach, I could not sleep properly so my sleeping habit was coming down with each day! I never had heartburn or indigestion but since on this drug I experienced them too. This drug was slowly killing me with each day of taking it so I have finally decided to stop it because I could not live that way anymore! I could not enjoy my life anymore, I could not sleep, could not work etc etc. In few weeks after I completely stopped taking it I was slowly coming back to my previous stage. I cannot say that I was feeling normal because my diabetes still remained but at least my stomach started to feel normal again and my sleeping habits returned to the way it was. In my opinion it is better to feel this way than how it was… Life wasn’t about living anymore but about surviving… If you want to take this drug then be prepared for the worst!
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(Updated: November 30, -1)
Lately I’ve noticed that something is wrong, I felt that something isn’t in the way it should normally be and I went to the doctor. Only 2 months ago I was diagnosed that I am diabetic. When he did some tests the results showed my A1C to be 6.9 and that’s how my doctor finally put me a diagnose. After that he prescribed me Januvia 1 time of 100 mg right away. He also said that I should add Metformin 2 times of 500 mg to the Januvia. It seems to be a good drug. It really helps. First few days I had some minor side effects but after that, they subdued and I felt fine. I know that the side effects disappeared because I have started to exercise regularly. I am sure about that because each time I stop exercising or eat some more food these side effects (especially stomach related problems) are appearing right away even though I keep taking this drug. Also, it depends very much on my meal: I can check my sugar with the help of a device and whenever I miss a meal, my glucose is coming down. Usually, the device shows anywhere between 70 and 80 on fasting and more than 90 few hours after I have my breakfast. What I’m trying to say: This drug helps, it gives minor side effects but the point is that a good diet and regular exercises is way more important, helpful and healthy than any other medicine. Maybe not for all conditions, but for diabetes type 2 as I have, I’m sure that medicine won’t work as well as a good diet and regular exercises. I’ve stopped taking this and any other drug for about a week but I try to keep my “healthy way of life” and I keep having normal glucose levels. Good luck everyone!
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(Updated: November 30, -1)
Not so long ago (about 2 weeks) I finally received this Januvia drug and now I have to tell you that it works great! I have type 2 diabetes and firstly my doctor prescribed me another medication but it was for no use on me. Later when both of us understood that it is useless to take that medication further, he told me to try this Januvia. He told me that usually people are taking 100 mg at once per day but there’s a chance that it will work better if taking 50 mg in the AM and then another 50 in the PM and he was so right! It passed less than a week until I started to feel much better and to get back to my work. I am now full day working for the past week. I have noticed absolutely no side effects in these 2 weeks and I feel completely normal. I forgot the last time when I was feeling so great! I also have a friend who takes it, only 50 mg per day and for only a week but also no visible side effects. By the way, I have even lost some pounds while I’m on the drug so I’m even happier than I expected!
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