Specifics of advancedbionutritionals.com
The possibility of ordering online any kind of products has definitely invaded our routine lifes. Nowadays, we have the opportunity to buy everything through Internet, and in parallel, we benefit from discounts, free shipping at the doors, and generous loyalty programs. If in the past it was highly difficult to find one or another medicine in classic pharmacies, now is very easy to find any products on thousand of online pharmaceutical markets.
advancedbionutritionals.com is also an online pharmacy, but it differs a little bit from the traditional ones. While the other online pharmacies mostly propose drugs for treating diverse health conditions, advancedbionutritionals.com works predominantly with remedies that help in preventing them. To make myself clearer, advancedbionutritionals.com proposes a large series of nutritional supplements that make the health system stronger. Making a comparison, other online pharmacies might include only a small section referring to nutritional supplements, offering only 3-4 alternatives. By contrast, advancedbionutritionals.com is specified exclusively on such kind of medical remedies, having in its portfolio bio remedies for any kind of health complication. To be more specific, here are some health aspects that can be improved and supported with the help of bio products found on advancedbionutritionals.com: blood sugar, bone structure, bladder function, brain and memory improvement, cardiovascular system, blood pressure, digestive cleaning and support, liver, lung, prostate functionings, visual system improvement, nerve restabilization, sleep improvement, joint support, general immune system well-being, energy supply, hair and nails structure support. These are the basic aspects that are promised to be dramatically improved with the help of bio products proposed by advancedbionutritionals.com.
Now, let's see what the pharmacy says about the own products! advancedbionutritionals.com claims to verify and monitor the manufacturing process under highest standard. The manufacturing process is mostly based on herbs, vitamins, minerals and other bio nutritional ingredients. The philosophy of quality of advancedbionutritionals.com consists in some clue steps through which the quality of products is guaranteed. Here are the highlights of some of these steps: using the ingredients that are scientifically proven to be efficient, the materials used in the manufacturing process are screened for pathogens, avoiding using coloring additives, aromatizers or artificial preservatives, using special bottles for preserving the safety and freshness of the products.
Site presentation
The homepage of advancedbionutritionals.com is fulfilled with the available bio products. At the bottom of the page, there is a short presentation of the 4 most popular doctors of advancedbionutritionals.com. These are considered to be the headmasters that, based on their medical practice and acknowledgement, the bio products are procreated. From advancedbionutritionals.com, any customer that signs up can download a free Ebook proposed by the main founder of advancedbionutritionals.com, named “How to make supplements work even better?!”. It is offered in the aim of receiving latest nutrient breakthroughs for those who want to get maximal benefit from nutraceutical administration.
I was interested in finding out about the origin and activity dynamics of advancedbionutritionals.com, so I selected the “about us” section. Sadly, I didn't find any info here regarding the period of activity (when was the organization created), or whom it is collaborating with, or any other data showing its recent activity. The only thing that I've found in “about us” is a large description of the founder, which is Franc Shalenberger, including his professional merits in medicine. Let's be honest: these references could be easily “beautified” with fake data since no official diplomas or authorizations for his activity are attached nowhere on the site.
Clients can get in contact 24/24 hours by calling to the number: 1-800-791-3395 for customer support. Fax number is 770-399-0815, while the email address is: [email protected].
Shipping details
I can say that advancedbionutritionals.com site is not very well structured. I hardly could find the info about shipping in order to see the prices and the countries the pharmacy delivers to. The only info that I found is that the standard shipping is free. I didn't find any specifications about the other routes of shipping (express or courier, for instance). Sadly, there is no info specifying where exactly the pharmacy can deliver- worldwide or only in U.S. It is not clear at all.
As what refers to the payment methods,I suppose that this pharmacy accepts bank cards. “I suppose” because there is no informational category with such details, and FAQs section (where I usually find such answers) is lacking. Most probably, the payment options are displayed after choosing a product and intending to buy it.
Other users’ opinions
As it turned out on Internet reviews about advancedbionutritionals.com, a lot of persons have troubles in finding answers on this pharmacy site. So, it was not only my problem that I couldn't find FAQ section or shipping and payment details, it is the problem of major part of users also. This speaks about the fact that the site is not well-organized at all. This aspect makes it lose a lot of customers, respectively.
Another big problem of advancedbionutritionals.com is that the effects of products dramatically delay in being observed. The major part of feedbacks report that no improvement is observed within 6 months of administration, while only a small percentage shows an insignificant improvement. And let me tell you that the prices on advancedbionutritionals.com cannot be named “low”. For 1 bottle with minerals, clients have to pay more than 100$, for 6 months- 600$ minimum, and all that for…...an “insignificant improvement”?! I'm not sure that it's worth it…
My personal opinion
I totally agree with the opinions of the feedbacks found on forums regarding the unstructured content of the site: there is nothing clear about shipping, payment, origin, contact details, etc. secondary, I'm afraid that the advancedbionutritionals.com marketing philosophy is based more on placebo effect either than on the proper effect of the products - if there are so many complaints about the lack of effectiveness after long term administration.
In addition, for such high prices, advancedbionutritionals.com could propose a generous loyalty program. But, the only discount is 25% for holidays. The discount is not bad at all, but it's for holidays only :(
3 points would be too much, 1 point would be unfair...2/ 5 would be sufficient for the moment.