

EDSupplierEurope.com is the online pharmacy I have found and will review today. As much as we can see from its name: ED Euro Pharmacy, we can easily conclude that this is an online pharmacy that is focused in selling Erectile Dysfunction medications and that the pharmacy is located in Europe. However, later I will check it more closely and see if this is true or not. The website of this pharmacy is really well done, it is user friendly and plus to that, it seems to have good options on the site such as changing the language and the currency. As much as it seems, this is indeed a European (or at least European customer oriented pharmacy) and that’s because you can change the language to multiple European currencies but there is no USD so I can’t change the currency to USD on their site. There’s also an option to *select your country* and there’s a list of multiple European countries but no USA. As much as it seems, the currency and language would be selected according to the country you will choose. The pharmacy claims to have some benefits by using their services and they include: no doctor visits; lowest price world wide; discreet packaging; no embarrassment; discounted weekly deals and lastly – buy in bulk and save. They claim to offer – high quality medications; fast delivery to Europe and also no hassle/ customer privacy guarantees. Sadly, I did not found any information on their website suggesting for how long they were operating or where their headquarters is located. I appreciate much more those websites that does share such kind of information with their customers as when the pharmacy hides this information it makes me think they have something to hide and that’s not a good thing.

EDSupplierEurope.com Selection of medications and prices

As I said, the pharmacy made it clear that they are an ED supplier of medications but I have been checking if they are offering any other types of medications than ED drugs and as much as I have found, they do not seem to offer any other types of drugs than those treating ED. There’s a list of around 30 drugs or so all of which are for ED treatment. There is Cialis, Kamagra, Levitra, Silagra, Viagra, and many other drugs as well. I could not find any brands on their site (I mean – brand Viagra by Pfizer, or Cialis by Lilly etc.) and with this being said it seems they are only offering ED generic drugs. In order to give example of the prices of medications that you can find here I can say that Viagra generic 50 mg x 90 pills would cost you 130 EUR which means they have a price of 1.44 EUR per pill! To be honest, compared to other online pharmacies – that’s quite a high price as you might get same drug and same quantity for less than 1 USD. I’ve seen pharmacies with worse prices, but I’ve seen with better prices as well. The pharmacy is claiming that in order to get some products, people would need to show a valid prescription.

EDSupplierEurope.com Shipping and Payment methods

Although I was not able to select my country as USA and there is no USD as currency, the information on their FAQ page suggests they are able to ship medications to nearly all countries of the world, for the exception of some countries in Asia only. They suggest there are 2 shipping options available on the site and they include: Standard International Airmail that has a fee of 6 EUR, delivery of 7 to 8 business days after the dispatch and it has no tracking. The second shipping option is faster – courier service that has a delivery time of 5 to 6 business days after the dispatch, has a rate of 10 EUR and does have tracking. The only payment method accepted by the pharmacy is via credit cards.

EDSupplierEurope.com Customer Support Service

I have been searching for what methods are available to get in touch with this pharmacy and I have noticed that they are having a phone number (which you can see as soon as you enter their site) which seems to be from UK. Plus to that, I have also noticed they are having live chat function on the site that seems to be available for their customers 24/7. Except for these methods you can get in touch with them either via email or contact form on their website. They speak English only!

EDSupplierEurope.com Coupon Codes

As soon as I have entered their main page I have noticed the pharmacy claims to have some discounts and special offers. There’s a page on their site with *bonuses* where you can see all their bonuses. They include: 5% discount for your second order and 7% discount for your third and further order. They offer free airmail delivery for orders over 150 EUR and free trackable courier for orders over 200 EUR. 1, 2, 3 or 4 free kamagra pills for orders more than 100, 200, 300 or 400 EUR accordingly.

EDSupplierEurope.com Reviews

You can see a testimonials page on their website but as it was expected, absolutely all the reviews there were positive and it was expected because usually, testimonials are fake. They might be copied from other sites and pasted here, they might be fake written to make people believe they are a good pharmacy and even if there would appear a negative review they can easily delete it. So I suggest not to have trust in the testimonials. I suggest to have trust in reviews on independent websites – but the problem is that there are none anywhere online. I then checked for info on scamadviser.com where I found it has a trust rate of 0%.


I’ve been expecting more for this online pharmacy and yet it has disappointed me. Although it does seem to have some discounts and special offers – it has pretty high prices so that’s sad. Except for high prices, this pharmacy has no customer reviews on independent websites and it has a trust rate of 0% from scam warning engines. Since the risks that you would lose your money here are pretty high I will rate edsuppliereurope.com with 1 star!

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