is the domain internet address of the online pharmacy I have found and will write a review today so people can find out if the pharmacy is worth using or better stay away from it. According to the information on the pharmacy’s main page, by using the pharmacy you can save time, you can save money and also you can save life. All of this sounds amazing and I hope it is all true. I have accessed their main page and to be honest I had the impression that there are too many flashing things and too many things in general and for this reason I cannot call it a user friendly interfaced website as it is clear the they only want to make you purchase something on the site and hence the reason of so many flashy things. And generally the site seems to be pretty cheaply made to my opinion, although the information seem to be easily accessible. Good options on the site include the fact that you can change the language and the currency and I personally used this option to change the currency to USD on the site. I found no information on the site suggesting where this online pharmacy is located and for how long it has been serving its customers. I just found that the pharmacy claims to ask their customers to sign up an account and login to their accounts before ordering. The pharmacy claims that they are shipping from Europe, they are delivering by courier, they are offering anonymous package, trackable shipping, no customs controls and they claim to offer fastest delivery. Tried to access the about us page on the site and an error message was displayed. Seemingly their site is not fully working. The information on the site suggests that you can save up to 40% on the generic medications and up to 20% with brand name drugs! That’s all very good if true. Selection of medications and prices

As much as I have noticed, is mostly oriented in selling ED types of medications, nevertheless they still seem to offer a lot other medications. There seem to be medications for weight loss, hepatitis C, PE, Allergy, Stop Smoking, Pain medicine, migraines and a lot of other types of drugs as much as I could see. With this being said I can assume that the selection of medications at this pharmacy is really wide as you have a big list of medications to choose from, medications for different needs and conditions. Plus they seem to offer brand and generic medications plus there seem to be OTC and prescription products. By the way, there’s not a single mention about prescription requirements on their site. To talk about the prices on the site, if all the prices are the same as they are for ED drugs then they are some good prices. That’s because, for example, generic Viagra 50 mg is priced with 1.15 USD per pill and the price can get even lower by purchasing 120 + pills up until 1.05 USD per pill by purchasing 180. Whatever the case, that’s a fairly good price to my opinion. Shipping and Payment methods

There’s information on their website suggesting that this is an online pharmacy that offers shipping all over the world. In addition to that, this pharmacy seem to offer tracking number and the tracking seem to be available for both methods of shipping available on their website – registered airmail shipping option or EMS option. Problem is that there’s no details given about what are the shipping fees or what are the delivery timeframes. At the moment, the pharmacy claims to accept the following payment methods: by credit cards: VISA, PostePay, Master Card; by bank transfer and by WU as well. Customer Support Service

I have been searching for methods to get in touch with this online pharmacy in case you would have some questions to ask and I di found they are offering contact form and the email both of which are pretty much the same method. Except for these methods, the pharmacy is offering live chat function either, but at the moment when I was reviewing this site the live chat function was offline so the only way to get in touch with them left was either email or contact form. Coupon Codes

There’s information on their main page suggesting that they are having a Summer offer which includes 30% off some special medications listed on that page. Except for special price for some certain medications, the pharmacy is offering one blister for free for all orders that are over 150 EUR and are paid by bank transfer. Except for these I have found out information suggesting that the pharmacy is going to offer a special price for pills for those who orders in bulk – pills over 300. Reviews

Searching for customer reviews about this online pharmacy can be a harder task than I thought, that’s because I couldn’t find any customer reviews anywhere online and to be honest, that’s quite alarming to be honest as that’s a sign the pharmacy is not popular among buyers. At least I did found information on which shows that the site is not really worth using and that’s because it is not safe doing it. This pharmacy has been listed as a rogue internet pharmacy by since it has not met all the criteria needed to become a legitimate internet pharmacy and plus to that, found many other problems about this site all of which made get a trust score of 0%. That’s all quite a big problem making me stay away from this pharmacy.


Recommending this online pharmacy to my readers is going to be like pushing people off cliff without a parachute and that’s because the pharmacy is not safe to use. There are no customer reviews which is an very big alarming sign but scam warning engines like has a trust rate of 0% and that’s a sign that sending money to this pharmacy would most likely end up in you getting scammed. Therefore, is receiving a rating of 1 star out of maximum 5. Reviews

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