

RxPharmacy.In is the online pharmacy that I am going to start reviewing now. As soon as I have entered the website I got the impression of quite a cheaply made website and that’s due to its design and interface, although it is user friendly where everything is easily accessible and no problems to navigate through it, my opinion is that it is quite cheaply made, but again, this might be only my personal opinion. I have noticed that people are able to create an account here and login to it. This might be mandatory to do if you wish to purchase medications here, that’s something we’re going to find out later. By clicking on *what are we?* I have found information suggesting that RxPharmacy.in it is an online portal that is providing messenger service between purchasers of medicines and the pharmacists. They just claim not to offer any type of assistance or offering any recommendations or promoting any medication. Unfortunately, there’s too little information about the pharmacy. Plus to that, the website doesn’t seem to be fully functional because there are few other things that I wanted to click on like *contact us* page but I was not able to. There are also other things which you cannot access on their website and hence, the site seems to have technical problems. There is also no information about the pharmacy itself; like for how long it has been online or where they are located. A pharmacy with no informational bout the pharmacy and non functional website isn’t a good thing to be honest.

Selection of medications and prices at RxPharmacy.in

Searching for the medications that you need can be done either by the search box function entering the keyword of the medication you need or by the first letter of the drug. So you can click on the first letter (from 0-9; A to Z) or use the search function as there are no categories of drugs. I have clicked on a random letter and on *B* there are 3654 entries and on *H* there are 1810 entries. I am not sure if this means that there are so many drugs/ medications in just 2 letters. If there are 5000+ drugs by just clicking 2 letters, how many drugs there are in all letters? I feel there’s something wrong. Plus I knew for sure there’s something wrong when I search for Viagra and unit price of Viagra 100 mg was 621.85.if those are USD for a single Viagra price then there should be a big problem going around. Plus there’s no way to find out whether the Viagra is generic or brand. This online pharmacy claims to require their customers a prescription before ordering here. Proceeding to check out I found out other alarming things I would explain below.

Shipping and payment methods at RxPharmacy.in

There are no multiple shipping methods and there is no information whether do they try to ship world wide or not. There’s just information suggesting that delivery charges of rs. 50 per order for orders below rs. 500 within Delhi-NCR but the minimum courier charge is 150 RS for orders outside Delhi NCR. As much as I know rs stands for Indian Rupee and 150 Indian rupee are worth 2.30 USD. There’s definitely something going wrong about it all. Another big problem is the fact that on payment mode there is just one and it is one unbelievable: cash on delivery. I mean, they do not accept anything than cash on delivery? I really doubt about this.

Customer Support Service at RxPharmacy.in

They claim that you’re only able to connect with them via linkedin account, twitter account and facebook account. Plus to that, you’re able to write them an email at the email listed on their website and one last method to talk with them is to call their phone number listed (or as much as it seems you can also use the whatsapp). This is an Indian country code.

RxPharmacy.in Coupon Codes

This website is non functional as a lot of things are impossible to access so I am not able to find if they are having any offers. However by browsing the pages that I can access they do not seem to offer any coupon codes or anything in this matter. I wasn’t able to find coupon codes, I was not able to find discounts, special offers or anything in this matter. I am not sure if they still accept orders at all with such a site but if they do, they don’t seem to offer anything to make customers save money.

RxPharmacy.in Reviews

With such a website I would be shocked to see positive customer reviews but it is not the fact that there are no positive customer reviews but there are no customer reviews at all. When picking up a reliable pharmacy it is extremely important that the pharmacy to have some positive reviews, but when there are no reviews at all that’s a big problem as you cannot know anything about its authenticity or legitimacy and therefore purchasing medications here isn’t advised. I am not sure if this pharmacy ships medications outside Indian but even if you live there, it is still recommended to purchase medications from somewhere else. I guess that it is quite enough for me to have a conclusion when there are no customer reviews, so much information lacks on the website and it is not an functional website at all.


As I mentioned earlier, to have trust in such an online pharmacy will most likely end bad in your getting scammed and losing money. I will not recommend anyone purchasing medications here due to all the reasons I mentioned earlier and I recommend everyone to go searching for more reliable pharmacies in case you need some reputable pharmacies to get good medications at good prices. all in all I rate rxpharmacy.in with 1 out of 5 due to all those reasons mentioned earlier.

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