is the online pharmacy which claims to offer incredible treatments for erectile dysfunction which is great as I’m searching exactly for such kind of drugs. This is the online pharmacy that I managed to find while doing my research for reliable online pharmacies and I am going to write a review about it trying to determine if the pharmacy is worth using for getting your erectile dysfunction drugs or there are better options to do so. According to the information on their website, they are making the process FASTER than waiting at your doctor’s office. Plus to that, they claim to provide a secure high quality service that people could easily trust and they were doing so for the last 2 years. They claim that before ordering, you need to fill up the medical questionnaire and your information is going to be reviewed by a licensed Physician and in case they approve it – they would send it to your doorstep. They guarantee that all the medications that you’re going to be shipped would be genuine medications from a licensed pharmacy and they do not ever ship generics, out of date medications or fake drugs. This means that the pharmacy sells exclusively only branded name drugs. They are offering: secure online ordering system; no hidden costs; privacy assured; priority delivery as well as fast and prompt customer service either. The pharmacy is claiming that all the medications are shipped from a US pharmacy, however there is not an exact address confirming this or letting people know their exact address. Generally, I wouldn’t say that this website is one of the best looking sites, to be honest, it feels as if the design is from 2000s and there’s even copyright information with 2000 and I’m not sure if anyone’s working on the site’s design since then. Anyway, what’s more important is what the pharmacy has to offer. Selection of medications and prices

As it was expected, this online pharmacy is focused in selling only ED medications and by determining which ones, I have clicked on *order now* where I have been given a list of total 9 medications all of which were designed to help with Impotence. Like for example, although they claimed to sell only brands medications, there is Generic Viagra 100 mg. There’s also sildenafil SR 55 mg, Tadalafil SR 12 mg, Cialis, Cialis Daily, Pfizer Viagra, Sildenafil Citrate soft tabs, 20 mg Levitra and Tadalafil soft tabs. I have checked the prices and that was the moment when I knew exactly that I’m not ever going to purchase anything from this website. That’s because I saw that the price for a single pill of generic Viagra 100 mg costs anywhere between 46.25 USD to 53.25 USD depending on the quantity you choose – from 10 to 50 pills. Compared to other online pharmacies, the prices are 50x more as you can get same product for just 1 USD per pill. I assume you do not need to have a valid prescription since they claim that their physician would review your order and if approved you will be sent the drugs. Shipping and payment methods

According to the information on their website, this online pharmacy is claiming that they are only offering shipping to USA addresses meaning no international shipping. On the checkout page I have seen that the pharmacy is offering 3 shipping options which are: USPS – 18.95 USD with no delivery times offered, UPS 2nd day air – 28.60 USD and UPS Next Day - 45.60 USD. To my opinion even the prices for shipping are really high here. you can pay for medications here either by credit cards or by check. Customer Support Service

I could not find a FAQ page on their website and to my opinion, an online pharmacy that’s not offering a FAQ page should have an much faster and better customer support service since people might have a lot much more questions to ask compared to a pharmacy that does offer such a page. is offering only 3 options to get in touch with them and 2 of them are both, practically, the same: contact form and email addresses (different emails for sales, affiliates, advertising, information and webmaster). Lastly, you could call them at their phone number which is not listed on contact page but on their main page only. Coupon Codes

When I have seen such prices I was expecting that this pharmacy is offering at least something to their customers since the prices at this online pharmacy have shocked me. It was expected that there was at least something to make you save some money, like discounts, free pills, free shipping or at least anything. But they didn’t offered anything in this matter – no coupon codes or anything at all that might make you save some money. Reviews

Checking the customer reviews is very important and it was not a shock for me to see that there are no customer reviews. To my guess, everyone who has ever checked the prices for medications available at this online pharmacy got scared and never purchased anything, hence no customer reviews. I’m not sure if anyone has ever ordered here but to be honest I doubt so. What’s even worse is that this site is considered rogue internet pharmacy by legit script as it has not met all the criteria becoming an approved internet pharmacy and plus to that, this site has been threat listed. All in all, the pharmacy does not even seen to be safe to use according to scam warning engines and that’s also a sign given by lack of customer reviews.


Why would I ever want to purchase from an online pharmacy, or recommend this online pharmacy, that has the biggest prices that I have ever seen online, has no coupon codes or discounts or anything for free, has no customer reviews to confirm the pharmacy is at least safe to use and scam warning engines suggests that it is not safe using this pharmacy. I have all the reasons to recommend against and to give it a score of 1 out of 5! Reviews

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