is the online pharmacy that I have managed to find today while doing my pharmacy research and it is the pharmacy I will review trying to make a conclusion if ordering here is worth it or not. According to the information on their main page, people are now able to live their lives to the fullest by using the pharmacy’s services because they are offering quality assured generic meds. The website of this pharmacy seems to be pretty well done, user friendly and has a very good option which allows customers to change the currency on the site for those who need it. There are 4 different reasons as to why this online pharmacy claims to be among the best pharmacies and it would be a good idea to order drugs here so they include: trusted meds all 100% genuine, hassle free refunds with easy 30 day money back, shop with assurance as they are offering SSL security technology and lastly – free shipping fast and far reaching. All of this looks really good. they claim to offer so good prices for medications that they are non profit association. They claim that you can get cheap medicines at the world’s biggest and number 1 trusted Canadian online pharmacy as they are in business since 2001. That’s very good if true as this means they were online for 17 years and it is much easier to have trust in a long lasting pharmacy. Also they claimed to be Canadian pharmacy and I tried to see if they have offered an exact address but I failed to find one so we cannot be sure that they are indeed Canadian. There’s information on the site that they are a Better Business Bureau accredited pharmacy and yet, I could not find this information being confirmed on the BBB official website so this seems to be a lie, unfortunately. Anyway, I decided to check it all. Selection of medications and prices

People can search for drugs here using the search box function available on the site or by checking the categories of medications. In order to determine the selection of medications it is obvious that I had to check through their categories where I have found quite a good selection of medications to be honest, as much as it seems from that list. There are a lot of different categories of medications, some of them include: ADHD meds, ED meds, anti anxiety, blood pressure, weight loss, antidepressants, skin care, cholesterol, pain relief and a lot of other medications for different health needs and conditions. Assuming there are at least a few different medications in each category – there are a lot of drugs. Checking ED drugs I found there are a lot of different drugs and I noticed they are offering both brands and generic medications. What’s really strange is that all the medications for ED were *out of stock* for whatever the reason. Then I checked whatever other category and everything seem to be *out of stock*. Seemingly you cannot order medications at this moment. But I’ve done more research and the only drug I found available is valium – diazepam (generic). Just to give example of price – 360 pills of this product would be 1.75 USD per pill but I’m not sure if that’s a good price. No mention of a prescription requirement makes me think they do not require one. Shipping and payment method

According to the information on the site, they are offering free shipping registered airmail to everyone regardless of what you purchase on the site. This option usually comes with no tracking online and delivery time is up to one month. Nevertheless, there’s the second shipping option – EMS, that costs 25 USD, has tracking online and delivery of 7 to 15 business days. What’s really strange is that on my checkout page, I couldn’t choose the free airmail shipping option! The payment methods include only VISA and Master Card as credit cards. Customer Support Service

As much as I have noticed from the information on their website, there are only 2 methods to get in touch with this online pharmacy. There’s a toll free phone number that you can see as soon as you enter their website which you can call and get in touch with their customer support service. except for getting in touch with this customer support service by phone you can do this by using the contact form available on the site, but no other ways are available. Coupon Codes

I was not able to see any coupon codes being offered by this online pharmacy and this makes me think that they are not offering any. Instead, they seem to offer discounts by purchasing pills in bulk as the price per pills gets lower the more quantity of pills you’re purchasing. Except for this, as the pharmacy claimed – free airmail shipping to everyone (but I did not had this option available on my checkout page). Other than these I couldn’t find anything else. Reviews

I was doing research for customer reviews about this website and I found mixed reviews. There are people who wrote positive customer reviews but there are those who warn others to stay away from this pharmacy as they got scammed by there are few reviews and yet the reviews are mixed. I had to check which customer reviews are true and I checked this on where I found that having too much trust in this pharmacy can be a mistake. That’s because there’s a high risk ordering here. It has a trust rate of 17%, it is a rogue internet pharmacy, it operates from a high risk country – Russia and a malware report has been detected for this site either.


There are few positive customer reviews, the pharmacy seems to offer some deals and this is good. but the fact that they do not seem to actually *offer* the customers those deals, you cannot seem to be able to purchase medications right now, there are negative customer reviews and doesn’t have trust in this pharmacy that’s all way much more alarming and for this reason I rate this pharmacy with 2 stars as I think that indeed ordering here can be very risky. Reviews

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