Healthylifemeds online drug-store operates in this domain for a couple of years and successfully sells a big selection of non-controlled medicines worldwide. They sell Indian-manufactured products approved by the Indian FDA and are internationally certified. They claim that their products are qualitative and safe and treat different diseases as women’s health and men’s health, insomnia, Cardiovascular disease, hypertension, neurological disorders and others. Healthylifemeds cares about its clients that’s why they offer information in a lot of languages for different foreign customers. However, the customer support available at this company talks only in English. This online pharmacy offers secure transactions between their customers and the medical healthcare providers. All the products available at this online drug-store state to be authentic and of good quality, as well as at best affordable prices. The vast selection of drugs available at Healthylifemeds is really large, but their main focus is selling drugs for erectile dysfunction like Generic Levitra, Generic Cialis, Generic Addyi, Generic Viagra and others at reasonable prices. This online pharmacy has two worldwide shipping options: international unregistered mail that takes up to 15 working days for the order to be delivered, and courier service with the tracking number that takes up to maximum 10 working days to ship the order to the destination, for an extra $30. Prices
Healthylifemeds online pharmacy offers low prices to all its products on the website that can make doubts either they are authentic or fake. For example Fildena (generic Viagra) costs 0.69 dollars per pill (only for 360pills) - which is quite a very cheap price, but if a customer buys only a few of this pills than the prices quickly raises as high as 1.79 dollars which is quite a lot. This is a good option for those clients that are able to buy in big quantities as they would obtain good prices for the meds, but it could also scare regarding their quality and efficiency. This company offers 24/7 online professional customer support to any concern. Also, there have phone numbers left on the website where anyone can call and find out more information about any issue or complain about drugs quality or customer service. The only payments accepted at
Healthylifemeds can be made through credit cards: Visa and Master Card and Bitcoin.  Healthylifemeds sells medications without prescription. Reviews
Even though this company operates in the pharmaceutical domain for a couple of years, it still doesn’t have many reviews about meds quality, customer service and so on. However, searching through some external links I found out as positive as well as negative feedbacks left from customers. Some clients state that the quality of the meds and the service is good at Healthylifemeds, others stated about their displeasure regarding meds quality and customer service by leaving bad rates on different sites of pharmacy reviews. Discounts/Offers
Healthylifemeds offers discounts to loyal customers that regularly buy from them. For example, they offer 5% discount on the 2nd order, 7% on the 3rd and so on. Also, they offer gift pills of Erectile dysfunction drugs on orders above 60 pills and more. All orders that exceed $150 benefit of free standard airmail service, as well as different coupons for different meds. 
Healthylifemeds affirms to be one of the leading online pharmacies in the world, but they have few and more negative reviews about the quality of their medications and customer service. If a company claims to be a leading one, it should be observed through customer’s reviews, proofs, and orders. However, there are much more negative feedbacks left from customers rather positive, thus making a client think twice about its credibility, trustworthiness, quality, and efficiency. So, that’s why it gets 2 stars out of 5. Reviews

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