
Self Introduction of is an online pharmacy which claims to be a world famous pharmacy and a trusted pharmacy by lots of customers. To be more exact, this online pharmacy is having over one million of happy customers and that’s a really big number to my opinion. This pharmacy is being famous because they are offering very low prices for medications and also fast delivery. According to the information that I have managed to find on their site, the pharmacy is Canadian licensed as much as it seems according to their copyright information and therefore it seems that we are dealing with an Canadian pharmacy. They are also having some signs on the site suggesting that they are a CIPA and MIPA approved website, but since they are not clickable I am not sure if that’s true. There’s also information suggesting that they are offering exclusively only FDA approved medications. There are also signs on the site which is suggesting that they are having social media pages such as Facebook and Twitter as well as a few others too, nevertheless, I cannot seem to be able to access those links and that’s making me wonder if they indeed have any social media pages. According to the information I managed to find, they are a pharmacy that has been around for 17 years and they are a world wide drug store offering quality medications at best prices which is very good. besides, they are a pharmacy which is seriously taking privacy and security, having the strictest security and privacy standards. Plus, they are claiming to have a big variety of drugs as well. With this being said, it seems that this is a pharmacy offering a lot of drugs for good prices and they also are offering top quality service.

Assortment Diversity

Purchasing all your needed medications in a single place that’s one amazing feeling because you don’t need to search for a new reliable place to purchase medications each time when you need a new medication. For this reason, I’m checking for assortment diversity of and I’m happy to say that the assortment seems to be really wide. This online pharmacy is offering both generic and branded medications so this way you double the chance of finding what you’re searching for. According to the bestsellers, they seem to be mostly selling ED medications

Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that they are not offering other products either.

There is not an exact number of medications shared on the site, but there you can search the product by search function, via the first letter of medications or there is also catalog and checking the list in that catalog, this makes me think the assortment is pretty good. for example, there are many medications, such as: pain relief, anxiety, antibiotics, allergies, diabetes, depression, birth control, cholesterol lowering, sleep aid, hair loss, asthma, heart disease and many many others

By checking a few more on the site it seems that they are having indeed a lot of medications both prescription and OTC medications as well. All in all, since this online pharmacy is offering so many different medications for so many different health needs, both OTC and prescription as well as both generic and branded medications, I think they deserve 5 out of 5 for this point.

Prices Affordability

As usual, for checking the prices affordability I’m checking the prices for ED medication and today is not going to be an exception. I’ve been searching for ED medications where I have seen all the most famous drugs being there, drugs as generic and original Viagra, generic and original Cialis as well as generic and original Levitra (besides many other ED drugs). The prices greatly depends on the quantity and the dosage of the drug you’re searching for. But taking the usual dosage of 50 mg of generic Viagra I can say that the price per pill varies from 3.49 USD to 0.70 USD per pill depending if you purchase 10 to 360 pills.

For usual dose of 20 mg of generic Cialis the prices are anywhere between 3.54 USD per pill and 1.31 USD per pill again depending if you buy 10 to 360 pills.

The same difference in price goes for usual dosage of 20 mg of generic Levitra which is anywhere between 4.03 and 1.69 USD per pill if you buy 10 to 270 pills.

It is obvious that the prices for each of these drugs in their original form is higher, but I definitely would call that a good price but then again, depending on the dosage you buy. The pharmacy is also offering the list of *savings* depending on how many pills you’re purchasing with each drug.

Honestly talking, I have not checked the prices for other medications that are not in the ED category and that’s because I’m not very familiar with those prices. But I really hope that all other types of medications are having the same price range as the medications in ED category and that’s because those are some really good prices, regardless if we’re talking about generic form or about the branded form. I did have seen few other online pharmacies with, seemingly, a bit lower prices, but yet, these are one of the best prices for such medications here at this pharmacy. With this being said, definitely deserves 4 out of 5 for their low prices.

Shipping Options

As I have previously mentioned here, there is information on their website suggesting that this online pharmacy is offering world wide. With this being said, everyone around the globe can freely purchase their needed medications from this online pharmacy and I find this to be really good as everyone can order here. Been searching for more information about their shipping options and before checking out you can see they offer you to *select shipping*.

There are 2 shipping options available.

One of them is AirMail (they provide World Wide shipping). The delivery may take up to 2-3 business weeks for AirMail. Unfortunately Online Tracking is not available for Airmail. They are providing Free AirMail shipping for orders over $200.

The second shipping option available on this online pharmacy is faster but more expensive and it goes by the name of EMS (Express Mail Shipping which is also available world wide) and is the fastest available shipping method. You will receive your shipping track id as soon as the package is shipped. The waiting period for EMS lasts 3-8 business days. They provide Free EMS shipping for orders over $300.

To my opinion, that’s all very good that they offering 2 shipping options along with world wide shipping and the free shipping options. Nevertheless, the prices for shipping options could be lower, and for getting free shipping you need to purchase a lot with no option for overnight shipping, not even to areas near the pharmacy. Shipping Options unit receives 3 stars.

Payment Options

According to the information on their FAQ page - *all available payment methods you will see on their billing page* and I obviously got interested in which are they. But before going to the billing page I have noticed on their site that they seem to offer VISA and Master Card only, or at least I that’s the icon I’ve noticed on their site.

By checking if that’s true or not, I have found on the billing page that they indeed accept only credit cards and only VISA and Master Card and nothing else.

By accepting credit cards and the most used credit cards in the world that’s very good, but often that’s simply not enough. Credit cards as Visa and Master Card are widely used and so I rate this unit with 3 out of 5, but would deserve more only if adding more payment options.

Technical Characteristics

Google Page Speed Data about the Website Loading

Technical Characteristics are extremely important for any website, and that’s especially for a website that wants to have many and returning customers. The page speed and optimization is something really important and usually, Google Page Speed Data helps me determine these points. Unfortunately, I haven’t found really good information there and that’s because for both mobile or desktop versions, the page speed is unavailable and that’s not a good sign at all. Plus to that, not even the optimization of the site for desktop of mobile version is good as it is medium for mobile and low for desktop (rated 64 out of 100 for mobile and 59 out of 100 for desktop) which is pretty low.

I am not able to rate such data with anything more than 2 out of 5. The page speed is the most important point here but it is not available with medium rates given for page optimization. People may experience delays (and I did experienced it myself) browsing through the site.

Mobile Version

It is extremely important, nowadays, for every website to be mobile friendly and that’s because people, lately, start browsing through the sites from their mobile phones and so, every site should be mobile optimized to my opinion. Google offers an option to check any website if it is mobile friendly and so that’s what I checked for but unfortunately, I was said that the page cannot be reached and that’s because the page is most likely blocked by robots.txt since the page is available.

Why would a website maker want to block their site by robots.txt? I don’t like such things and for this reason I am rating this unit with 1 out of 5.

Is the Connection Secure?

A secure connection is extremely important because we can be sure that our personal data isn’t going to be stolen by hackers when browsing through this site. A secure connection is like security alarm in your house. You can’t be sure that nobody would enter your house unless you have a good *security*. The same goes here. We don’t want any intruders and without a secure connection we can’t be sure that we won’t get any. For this reason, I rate with 1 out of 5 due to not secured connection.

Antivirus Presence

The antivirus is having a similar function as it has a secure connection – keeping away intruders from getting your personal data. Personal data may include credit card information which would end up in you being robbed. For this reason antivirus presence is extremely important as this way we can stay away from malwares, spywares, viruses and other internet threats. does have an icon suggesting that they are having antivirus by McAfee

Nevertheless, the icon is not clickable and there is no prove that they are indeed having this antivirus. I am rating this unit with 3 out of 5 since there might be a chance they don’t have any antiviruses.

How to Make an Order?

It seems that the ordering procedure is pretty fast and without any problems and that’s really good to my opinion. People should search for their needed drugs (as earlier said, either via search function, first letter of drug or the catalog of drugs) choose the drug and then choose the dosage and the quantity of pills you want to purchase. After you have decided what you want to purchase just click on *add to cart*

On the next page you are going to be displayed the drug you are about to purchase, the package, quantity and the price per pack. Then you should select the free bonus, select the shipping option and if you have, add a coupon code. After this short review just click on *checkout* and you’re going to be on the billing page. There you’re going to be offered the full order sum and you need to enter the billing address and payment information and after all of this you’re going to go through the second step which is a personal review data that you need to fill up and lately – the confirmation

I think it is pretty easy the ordering procedure, in a matter of a few minutes you can have your order placed and that’s pretty good. For this reason, deserves 5 out of 5 points here.

Is Legit and Secure? about the Website Security Rate

I have checked the information about this website on and although it seems to have a lot of visitors being popular as suggests, it is still a low trust rating website and therefore, this site may not be safe to use as much as we can see. The site has a lot of hidden information and that’s really alarming to my opinion as I don’t really love such mystery websites. 0% trust rate is a big problem to my opinion. Malware is detected, site is involved in high risk country, website expected life is relatively short and many other alarming things.

To my opinion, the information that I have got from makes this website deserve nothing more than 1 point out of 5 for such info.

Prescription Request

According to the information on their website, this pharmacy is not requesting a valid prescription for getting any medications from this website

Since this online pharmacy offers so many different prescription products without asking for a valid prescription – they are putting people’s lives and health at risk. My rate is 1 out of 5 points for not asking for a valid prescription. about Sale Pharm Legitimacy

The information on website often helps us determine if the site is legitimate or not. Unfortunately, according to, is a rogue internet pharmacy website and this means that this pharmacy is not legally allowed to sell any drugs. I guess it is obvious that would get a score of 1 out of 5 for this.

Reviews about

Reviews on

There is an entire page on their site dedicated to people who decided to leave a review about this vendor after purchasing from them. The page is entitled testimonials and by accessing it you can see around 20 different and pretty short reviews from people. That might sound really good that there are around 20 reviews and that each one of them are positive. But that’s if not taking in consideration the fact that the reviews are very familiar to me, meaning that I have read them somewhere else, the reviews are really short, without much details, there are no dates suggesting when exactly those reviews are written and how exactly those reviews are there since there’s no way for me to leave a feedback. The reviews on site barely deserve 2 out of 5.

External Reviews about

I was having some big hopes that I am going to get at least some good external reviews about this website in order to have at least a bit more trust in this pharmacy. But, unfortunately, I can’t and that’s because there are no customer reviews anywhere online about this pharmacy. The external reviews about a pharmacy are much more trustworthy, especially compared to the reviews on the own website. Unfortunately, has failed to make any customers write a review about them online and that’s why, my rate cannot be anything more than 1 star.

Discount Code on Sale Pharm

Luckily, this online pharmacy does seem to offer coupon codes but I couldn’t find any coupon codes shared on the site and this makes me think that the coupon codes are only available to people who have previously ordered from this site. Except for coupon codes, the pharmacy is having a special offer for those who don’t know either Viagra or Cialis is going to be better for them. They offer 10 pills of each at an advantageous price. They are also offering free bonus ED pills, savings by purchasing medications in bulk and as said earlier, free shipping – 200 USD or more and you get airmail shipping and 300 USD or more and you get free EMS shipping.

So we get free stuff, discounts, coupon codes and so on and so forth. gets a rate of 5 points for this unit.

Contact Information

“Contact Us” Section

The contact us page on their site seems to be pretty empty and I don’t really love that. By accessing that page you can only see the contact form available which you need to fill up the spaces with your Name, Email, select the subject and write your message.

They claim to speak English only and you will receive a response for sure in your email, as they claim. But that’s not enough and so my rate is 2 out of 5 here.

Customer Support Service

Although the information on the contact page suggests that they are having contact form, on the website’s main page you can see 2 phone numbers being displayed.

So except for writing them by contact form, you can also call them by either the US or UK phone number. Since you can get live assist I rate them with 3 out of 5 here and I can only get my rate higher if the pharmacy would add live chat assist and a mailing address as well.

Conclusion: Easy To Buy Affordable Drugs But Not Really Worth It is an online pharmacy which claims to have over one million of happy customers because they are offering high quality medications that are approved by the FDA at very good prices and they are also having a lot of drugs. I do can confirm the fact that they are offering a lot of drugs at this pharmacy and they are offered at very good prices. Plus to that, you can easily purchase those drugs here as the ordering procedure is good and adding special offers and coupon codes makes you save even more. You can even order without a prescription but that’s the first sign making you wonder – should you buy here? Besides not asking for a prescription, the site doesn’t have a secure connection, they are a rogue internet pharmacy to, 0 % trust rate given by, reviews on site that are not trustworthy and no customer reviews on external websites.

I personally think that it is all too risky ordering here and I personally wouldn’t do it and I recommend this to everyone else. is receives a final rate of 2.5 on a scale of 1 to 5. Reviews

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