When it comes to online pharmacies people are usually searching them for saving money in order to deal with the extremely high prices for medications at their local pharmacies. And when you’re searching for medications they can be whatever medications from medications for Asthma and Erectile Dysfunction to medications for Cancer and Antibiotics. Today I have found an online pharmacy which seems to be mostly oriented in selling antibiotiocs and I can assume that they do not have any other types of meds than antibiotics there and my assumption comes from its domain address name:, an online pharmacy which claims to be an generic antibiotics online supplier. I have analyzed the website a little bit and it does seems that this online pharmacy is having antibiotics only. The website is user friendly, it is well done and everything seems to be easily accessible on the site and easily understandable, something that’s super important to my opinion. According to the copyright information, the pharmacy has started to operate 5 years ago in 2013 and a 5 years old online pharmacy is fairly good to my opinion. Sadly but I was not able to find any information about the location of this online pharmacy and that’s not very good to my opinion. Although not a big problem, I appreciate much more when the pharmacy shares their location. I couldn’t find any accreditations being listed by the pharmacy and that’s why I can assume that they do not have any. While this is, obviously, not a very good thing, I still appreciate more the fact that they are not lying about accreditations as many other online pharmacies. Selection of medications and prices for them

As I have assumed, this online pharmacy is not having any other types of medications here to sell than antibiotics so if you’re searching for anything else then you’re already at the wrong pharmacy. but if you do search for antibiotics then the selection of antibiotics seems to be quite wide to my opinion. This online pharmacy is claiming that all of the medications here (antibiotics) are FDA/ WHO approved and this is why there’s no need for you to be worried about the safety/ quality of their medications that you might get from them. They claim to offer their customers both generic and brand antibiotics for those who need either of them. As in terms of prices I will only give some examples as I am not sure if these are cheap/ expensive prices for medications. So, for example, lowest price per pill of Amoxil is 0.33 USD while lowest price per pill of Augmentin is 1.38 USD. Once again, not sure if these are good prices or not. This online pharmacy is only recommending people to consult doctors before taking antibiotics, nevertheless, they do not require customers to show a valid prescription first. Shipping and payment methods

This online pharmacy is claiming that they are free to ship medications to most world wide countries so nearly everyone is able to order here. you can use the customer support service to check if they ship to your country. As in terms of shipping methods, they are claiming to offer 2 of them: airmail service which costs 10 USD and doesn’t have tracking online and the second shipping option is trackable service which obviously does have tracking and it costs 30 USD. Trackable takes 5 to 9 days for delivery while airmail service takes 14 to 21 days. These are the following payment methods accepted by the pharmacy: VISA, Master card, American Express, Diners Club, Jcb card. Customer Support Service

If you wish you talk with the customer support service for whatever the reason, like if you’re having some questions or enquiries then you could use their telephone numbers, one is US toll free and the other is UK phone number. Plus to that, something that I really like is the fact that they are having live chat function available either. Except for phone numbers and live chat there is contact form available on their website and plus to that, there’s email address as well. I appreciate when the pharmacy is offering their customers, multiple contact methods. Coupon Codes

Except for coupon codes I was searching for any and all methods that can make you save some money while purchasing here and while I was not able to find any coupon codes being offered to customers (which makes me think that they do not have any), this pharmacy does have the following: *our discount gifts for all reliable consumers* and they include: 10% discount for all next orders, bonus pills and lastly, free standard airmail service for all orders with sum starting at 200 USD. All of this is pretty good to my opinion. Reviews

The customer reviews as I always say, are an amazing way to find out whether is this pharmacy worth using or not and that’s why I started to search for reviews on external sources. There doesn’t seem to be any reviews on their own website but even if there would be – I doubt I would have trust in them as they are often not reliable. Quite a big problem is the fact that I was not able to find any, there are no customer reviews anywhere online and that’s regardless of how much I searched for them. An even bigger problem is the fact that said that this is a rogue internet pharmacy and has no trust in this pharmacy which seems to be involved in a high risk country: Russia.


The pharmacy is offering only antibiotics to customers and they are offering them worldwide. I can assume that the prices should be fairly good (not sure though) and they are having pretty good offers. Nevertheless, the pharmacy has failed to get any customer reviews and that’s a big problem exactly as it is the fact that this pharmacy doesn’t seem to be reliable according to scam adviser and legit script. All in all I would rate the pharmacy with 2 out of 5. Reviews

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