Self-Introduction of is an online pharmacy that is established in UK. According to the information there, they are one of the largest UK services that is supplying their customers with medications and with NHS prescriptions. According to the information I managed to find there, the company has been founded back in 1999 meaning that this is nearly a 20 years old pharmacy which is a long time enough to have trust in them so hopefully, that’s true. According to their information, there are hundreds of thousands of customers already who have done business with this company and majority were happy with the services they have got as more than 90% rated with excellent or good. They claim to take care of your NHS repeat prescription with easy online ordering, free flexile delivery as well as reminders to re-order when needed. They claim that this is an NHS Contracted Pharmacy, they are GPhC regulated and at this pharmacy are working only GMC Registered Doctors. Plus, the pharmacy is claiming that they have been mentioned in a few famous journals such as: Wired, The Times, Independent and The Mail. They claim that currently they are supporting more than 270,000 of patients each year with their NHS repeat prescriptions and that’s a big claim. They claim to be active on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others. Customers can follow their activity. They claim to be a registered pharmacy and customers can see their registration number. They also claim to be regulated by Care Quality Commission and claim to be approved on The pharmacy seem to be located in Leeds and since they were opened, they are managing to gain more and more popularity and trustworthiness. They claim to be one of the best service out there but we need to check it all carefully before being able to infirm or confirm this stateme.

Assortment Diversity

From as much as I have noticed by doing my research online about this online pharmacy’s assortment diversity, they are offering 8 main drug categories but each category is having their own subcategory. The main categories here seem to be: medicines, health and well-being, mothers and baby, toiletries, beauty and skincare, for men, more and special offer. I have then checked the sub categories and for example, in the medicines category you can see many different medications such as: allergy, ear care, headache, pain relief, stomach and digestion, cystitis and many others. With this being said, it does seem the pharmacy has a wide selection of drugs.

But I didn’t stopped checking only the medicine category – I have checked them all and it does seem that in each category there are quite enough sub categories. For example, in health and well being category you can find medications for stop smoking, women’s health, men’s health, sexual well being and many others.

Quickly checking all other categories it seems that they are offering a lot of different medications as there are a lot of sub categories in each category of medications. Assuming that in each of those sub categories there are at least a few drugs, they already seem to have a lot of different medications. But except for searching for the needed medication using the categories of medications, customers can also use the search box available on their website. This search box looks like this

So, all in all, I do think that customers are having a high chance to find whatever drugs they are looking for at this pharmacy. Pharmacy 2 U is offering a wide selection of both OTC and prescription medications and that’s really good. in addition to that, I have noticed that the pharmacy is offering both generic and branded medications too. I know it because the pharmacy is offering both generic Viagra and brand Viagra.

I’ve been searching for other ED medications such as Cialis and it also has its generic and brand form. In the end, I do think this pharmacy is well deserving a rate of 5 stars since they are offering a wide selection of drugs for everybody’s budgets and everybody’s needs.

Prices Affordability

When you are searching for the prices at this online pharmacy you can see it as soon as you search for the medication and click on it when you find it. For example, if you find for Viagra you can see that 8 tablets of brand Viagra is going to cost you 49.77 GBP. Remember that this is a UK pharmacy and all the prices are in GBP and not USD. They do not offer the opportunity to change the currency on the site.

Then I was searching for the price for its generic form where I discovered that 8 tablets for generic Viagra is much more affordable, as it was expected, and that’s because you would need to pay 6.80 GBP for those 8 tablets of generic Viagra 50 mg.

Then I wanted to check the price for Levitra where 8 tablets of 20 mg in brand form would cost you 54 GBP.

There is also Cialis which, if you purchase 5 mg of it and you get it in generic form, then you would need to pay 2.40 GBP per pill assuming you get 28 tablets. That is going to cost you 67.30 GBP.

To my opinion, the prices are not very affordable, not at all. The prices for brands compared to other online pharmacies are much bigger here. The price for pill as much as we can see is nearly 10 GBP. The price for generic Viagra is more affordable but still a bit overrated but the prices for generic Cialis is much more expensive. 2.80 GBP per pill is much more compared to other online pharmacies. For this reason I do think that this pharmacy’s prices affordability could have been much better. The prices are a bit overestimated but they are not extremely bad as at other pharmacies. in the end, the price policy at this pharmacy, to my opinion, deserves a rate of 3 stars.

Shipping Options is providing shipping only in the UK, unfortunately. They do not offer international delivery to any other countries and with this being said, only customers living in United Kingdom can order here. The shipping fees are different as they depend on what type of a prescription you have and in how much time you need your medications. But for example, if you are going to order drugs by means of the NHS prescriptions then I found out they are not offering any express delivery. As much as they claim, the Royal Mail Tracked 24 hrs (RM24) as well as Royal Mail Tracked 48 hrs (RM48) are being available for free. Here’s a table that I managed to find with the shipping options and shipping fees on their website.

As much as we can see, If you have a private prescription and if you order is over £40.00, express delivery and royal mail tracked 24 hr are available. There is royal mail tracked 48 hr (RM48). If you have a private prescription and your order is under £40.00, the express delivery fee is £6.25. Royal Mail Tracked 24 hr (RM24) fee is £3.45. There is no delivery within 48 hours. If you make use of online doctor orders express delivery fee is £6.25. You should pay £3.45 if your order is delivered by Royal Mail Tracked 24 hr (RM24).

There are some shipping fees (like 6.25 GBP) which I consider to be too high. But they do offer overnight shipping options and attractive offers for free delivery. I am going to rate this pharmacy with 4 stars for shipping options as they are pretty attractive.

Payment Options

According to the information that I have managed to see right on their main page, the pharmacy is claiming to accept the following payment methods: PayPal, VISA, MasterCard and American Express.

I really think that these payment methods are not enough to satisfy all customers’ needs. There may be people who may prefer to pay with echeck, wire or bank transfer or other payment methods. For this reason, I am going to give them a rate of 3 stars only. They should add other payment methods to make this pharmacy receive a higher score.

Technical Characteristics

Google Page Speed about the Website Loading

I am interested in the technical characteristics of any website because any modern website should have good data such as fast webpage speed, mobile version and other important factors. The first one that I am going to check is the page speed. As much as I have noticed the mobile version is very slow in terms of page speed loading. It got a score of only 13 out of 100 and it is red marked. I have then wanted to check the desktop version of this site and I noticed the situation is much better, yet it is not perfect. It is scored with 87 out of 100 and it means it has an average page speed.

All in all, I think that this unit is receiving only 2 points. The customers are having a high chance be way too annoyed to wait for the pharmacy’s  pages to load. The mobile version is too slow while desktop is only average – the reason it got 2 stars.

Mobile Version

Except for the problem that the pages are loading very slowly on the mobile version, there does not seem to be any issues. At least that’s what I noticed by trying to browse their website from my own smartphone. The page does seem to be mobile friendly, all the data is easily readable, text is not too small or too large, clickable elements are far away from each other at reasonable distances. I tried to confirm this by the mobile friendly test I run. Indeed, the page is mobile friendly, so the page is easy to use on a mobile device. Nevertheless, the problem is that even google discovered the page has loading issues.

This is going to make me rate them with 4 stars only as mobile users do have inconveniences ordering here.

Is the Connection Secure?

From as much as it seems, the connection does seem to be secure. For example, you can see that there’s a green lock near their domain address bar. This green lock means the connection is secure. If the green lock is not there, it means the pharmacy does not have a secure connection. I have tried to find out more information about their security and I have noticed that some pages are 128 bit SSL encrypted which is considered a low security level but there are also some pages that are 256 bit SSL encrypted and this is a high security level. Problem is that not all pages are high secured. Another problem is that this online pharmacy is not sharing any information about the owner information. In order to receive a maximum score this pharmacy should add the company owner information and make all the pages highly secured.

For all the reasons that I mentioned earlier, I am going to remove 2 stars from this pharmacy’s security and mark them with 3 stars.

Antivirus Presence

I was searching for an antivirus on the website but unfortunately, I couldn’t find one. The antivirus is extremely important because it offers maximum security to people when browsing the site and try to arrange orders. The antivirus keeps away viruses and other internet malwares from entering the customers’ devices. As long as the antivirus is not present on the website, I can’t rate this pharmacy with anything more than just 1 point.

How to Make an Order?

The biggest problem – the pharmacy does ask their customers to register before they are able to order here. For creating an account customers does need to create a login, password and also enter some personal information as well. I think this is useless, unnecessary and the registration process is only time and energy consuming.

As soon as you have created an account, you’re able to start ordering here. for doing so, you should search for the needed medications first, using the methods I earlier mentioned. Remember – you can’t order here if you live anywhere outside the UK, you can’t change the language on the site and you can’t change the currency. Plus, not all medications (strangely) show the price per pill. As soon as you found your needed drug click *select* and then select what prescription you have. Then click on *add to basked* as soon as you decided how much of those pills you need. As soon as you added all the needed drugs click on the checkout on your virtual cart.

That’s the moment when you need to register. There you should add a lot of information. All in all, I do think that customers are spending way too much time trying to complete an order. It is not very convenient to order here and for this reason my rate is 2 stars.

Is Legit and Safe? about the Website Safety

As much as we can see in the screen above, the pharmacy does seem to be from UK, they do share information about owner and other data. Domain age is 19 years but the site has been threat listed. It has only a trust rate of 68 % and recommends to use care when trying to use the site.

All in all, the review that I have managed to find at this pharmacy deserves 3 stars to my opinion.

Prescription Request

As I said it earlier, when you try to add a prescription item on your virtual cart on you are asked what type of prescription you have. If you don’t have one, you can start a questionnaire.

All in all, the most important thing is – nobody can order here without having a valid prescription. For this reason my rate here is 5 stars. about the Website Legitimacy

Remembering what I mentioned earlier – this pharmacy claims to be an approved pharmacy on and it is obvious I had to check it myself. According to the information out there on – has been granted probationary certification status. Typically, this status is granted when the website’s or merchant’s current business practices appear to meet LegitScript’s certification criteria for legality, safety and transparency, but there have been previous instances of non-compliance with LegitScript standards.

This means the site seem to be legit, but there’s just something wrong. My rate for all of this is 4 stars.

Customer Reviews about

Customer Reviews on

While I was searching for customer reviews on their own website, I have noticed that this pharmacy is offering customers to read *what their patients say about them* on trust pilot. However, I got interested in reviews on their own site and I did found a page called testimonials. I have managed to 15 different reviews written by different people. The reviews are all positive and they are all not offering a date which is a bit of a problem. But worst is – I have no idea how they appeared on their website since there’s no way to write a review myself.

I do not like that only the reviews that are chosen by administrators to appear on the site – appear on their site. That’s a bit of a problem. They also claim to have 2 videos with people sharing the experiences they got here.

All in all, the reviews on this website get a rate of 3 stars. There are no dates and administrators are choosing what type of reviews to appear on the site.

Customer Reviews on External Sources

As said, the administrators can choose what reviews can appear on their own website, but they can’t do it on external sources so I decided to check for them. As recommended, they said to read the reviews on and that’s where I started. As much as I noticed – there are 93,000+ reviews and average rate is 5 stars.

I checked through the reviews and indeed, there are very few negative reviews and most positive reviews. I do think that those reviews are trustworthy. Been searching for other websites with reviews and I found with 457 reviews and 3.9 out of 5 stars average rate.

Worst rate is on where out of 70 customer reviews it has 1.64 stars out of 5.

All in all, the average customer reviews to my opinion deserve a rate of 4 stars.

Discount Codes

offered by

I was searching for discount codes or coupon codes or any other forms of saving money when purchasing from this pharmacy and I haven’t been able to find anything. There’s nothing that can make customers to reduce their expenses here. No free pills, codes to save money, or at least discounts by purchasing in bulk.

The only known way to save money is free delivery within the UK if you use NHS prescription which is definitely not enough and for this reason I am going to rate them with 1 star only.

Customer Support Service

“Contact Us” Section

It seems that all the methods to get in touch with this pharmacy can be seen on the screen above. As we can see, we can get in touch with them by calling at the phone number in the working hours or write them a mail at the addresses given. You could also write them by contact form. All this information deserves a rate of 5 stars.

Customer Support Service

I wanted to ask if the pharmacy indeed doesn’t offer anything at all that might make customer reduce their expenses and that’s why I asked them this question on the contact form and I was waiting for a response to my email. I waited for 2 days (48 hours) since I wrote them and I got no response back. Since I got no response back after asking them my question after so much time – my rate is 1 star.

Conclusion: A Huge Number of Customer Reviews and Good Legitimacy but No Ways to Save Money is an online pharmacy that is based in UK and is working with NHS Prescriptions and they are also able to write a prescription themselves by offering online doctor consultation services. The pharmacy seem to be approved with a few issues on, has average trust rate on and they overall do seem to be legitimate by all other certificates available on their site.

The pharmacy has a wide selection of drugs, very wide, with prices that are a bit overestimated for some products but a bit better for others. Big problem is the fact that they are having absolutely nothing that could save customers money. No coupon codes, discounts for purchasing in bulk, no free pills or anything at all. They do have a mobile version and secure site, but not all pages are highly secured, no antivirus on the site and they have big issues with page loading speed. is a pharmacy that does have an extremely big number of customer reviews on foreign sources indicating that this is a pharmacy with many customers, but the customer support doesn’t seem to answer all customers questions as my questions were not answered which is a big problem. All in all, I’m not sure if it’s worth purchasing here – decide it yourself but problems may arise. Reviews

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